To search distinct special char in file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting To search distinct special char in file
# 8  
Old 09-03-2013
awk -F\| '{gsub(/[a-zA-Z0-9]/,"",$4)}!c[$4]++{print $4}' infile

# 9  
Old 09-03-2013

i am getting
sed: illegal option -- r
error if u use
sed -r 's/([^|]*\|){26}//;s/^[[:alnum:]]*//;s/[[:alnum:]]*$//' file.txt

# 10  
Old 09-03-2013
With the following input file:
nn|yyy|qqq|qq qq

The awk script:
awk -F'|' '
{       gsub(/[[:alnum:]]/, "", $4)
        for(i = 1; i <= length($4); i++) {
                if((c = substr($4, i, 1)) in s) continue
                printf("%s", c)
END {   print ""
}' file.txt

seems to produce the unique set of non-numeric, non-alphabetic characters found in any position in field 4, producing the output in the format shown in message #5 in this thread:
$#.=! ,(){}

# 11  
Old 09-03-2013
Another one
awk -F\| '{gsub(/[[:alnum:]]| /,"",$4)}$4{gsub(".","&\n",$4);print $4}' infile | sort -u

You can strip off the new lines from the output

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