Extracting data from between double quotes

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# 8  
Old 09-01-2013
Try something like this:
awk -v RS=\< -F\> '/href.*t00z/{ split($1, F, /"/); print F[2] }' file

@ajayram: If it is nawk you are using, then you can only use a single character for RS
@briandanielz: It is a huge file
# 9  
Old 09-02-2013
Originally Posted by Scrutinizer
@briandanielz: It is a huge file
Yes. My bad for not being specific. I was just posting how to extract the variable.

I was thinking loop over the file with an array..
pseudo (untested)

while read line
	    if [[ $line == *fooBar* ]]; then #Some Search condition 
	done < $file

Last edited by briandanielz; 09-02-2013 at 12:46 AM.. Reason: removed space
# 10  
Old 09-02-2013
Originally Posted by briandanielz
Yes. My bad for not being specific. I was just posting how to extract the variable.

I was thinking loop over the file with an array..
pseudo (untested)

while read line
	    if [[ $line == *fooBar* ]]; then #Some Search condition 
	done < $file

I'm confused: Are you briandanielz or are you ajayram_arya? Both of you seem to be answering questions about what is wanted and posting very similar segments of code that you're using to solve parts of the problem.

Shell array sizes in both ksh and bash are limited. Since your input is a "huge file", the shell array limits may be your problem.

What are you going to do with the array after you have processed your "huge file"? Can't you instead process the data from each line in your huge file as you find it without keeping a list of that data from all of the lines you've processed in an array?
# 11  
Old 09-02-2013
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
I'm confused: Are you briandanielz or are you ajayram_arya? Both of you seem to be answering questions about what is wanted and posting very similar segments of code that you're using to solve parts of the problem.

Shell array sizes in both ksh and bash are limited. Since your input is a "huge file", the shell array limits may be your problem.

What are you going to do with the array after you have processed your "huge file"? Can't you instead process the data from each line in your huge file as you find it without keeping a list of that data from all of the lines you've processed in an array?
I would most likely read the file into a variable file stored in a trap directory. So upon completion or error the data, would be gobbled up.
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