Text extraction

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# 1  
Old 08-29-2013
Wrench Text extraction

Dear All,
I am trying to extract text from a file containing cron entries.

cat /var/tmp/cron_backups/debmed_tmp
< * * * * * /bell
> * * * * * /belly

what I am trying to do is create two text files containing all entries that begin with < and another text files containing entries with > .
here is a rough outline on how I intend to achieve it .

for i in `cat /var/tmp/cron_backups/debmed_tmp`; do echo $i | awk '{print $1}'; done

I just want the output :

inorder to apply an if statement checking the first column of every row. The code does not seem to work and returns the file names in the directory /var/tmp/cron_backups/ .

Kindly help
# 2  
Old 08-29-2013
This code copies lines starting with < to file1.txt and lines starting with > to file2.txt

awk -vf1=file1.txt -vf2=file2.txt '/^</ {print > f1} /^>/ {print > f2}' filename

# 3  
Old 08-29-2013
This is the output I get:

awk -vf1=file1.txt -vf2=file2.txt '/^</ {print > f1} /^>/ {print > f2}' /var/tmp/cron_backups/debmed_tmp
awk: can't open file 
 record number 1

# 4  
Old 08-29-2013
A few checks you can do:

1. Ensure you have read permission on file /var/tmp/cron_backups/debmed_tmp
2. Ensure you have write permission to present working directory because the files file1.txt and file2.txt will be created in current directory.
# 5  
Old 08-29-2013
Both the file and the folder have 777 permissions.
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