Bash script to count and insert

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Bash script to count and insert
# 8  
Old 08-27-2013
@Jotne - yes, default action is print and we don't need that. However I added it for better readability for a beginner.
# 9  
Old 08-27-2013
Nearly there I think, slight problem, instead of count up its going 1 - 21, 3 - 41, 5 - 61

Also the second set of numbers 21,41,61 are at position 87 instead of 88, see below, thanks again for the help guys

71402144002-300            Y726B/0               0060000000800000ST0000028000000ST    001                S        G             
71502304413-000            B4                    000000000000100100000000000001       21                                    M   
715023044EC-000            B3                    000000000000800100000001000003       41                                    S   
715023044H0-000            B5                    000000000000100100000000000005       61                                        
7130200619802130823CV10003    5500048091        024                  024                                                        
71402144003-300            Y727B/0               0060000001200000ST0000028300000ST    001                S        G             
71502304413-000            B4                    000000000000100100000000000007       81                                    M   
715023044EC-000            B3                    000000000001200100000001000009       10                                    S   
715023044H0-000            B5                    0000000000001001000000000000011      12                                        
7130200619803130823CV10003    5500048085        024                  024                                                        
71402144005-300            Y729B/0               0060000000700000ST0000028700000ST    001                S        G             
71502304413-000            B4                    0000000000001001000000000000013      14                                    M   
715023044EC-000            B3                    0000000000004001000000017500015      16                                    S   
715023044H0-000            B5                    0000000000001001000000000000017      18                                        
7130200619804130823CV10003    5500107982        024                  024                                                        
71402938266-100            Y762/0                0060000000640000ST0000038080000ST    001                S        G             
71502304413-000            B4                    0000000000001001000000000000019      20                                    M   
715023044EC-000            B3                    0000000000008001000000008000021      22                                    S   
715023044H0-000            B5                    0000000000001001000000000000023      24

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