Script to match strings that sometimes are splitted in 2 lines

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# 1  
Old 08-24-2013
Script to match strings that sometimes are splitted in 2 lines

Hello to all,

I have an hexdump -C format as below:
31 54 47 55 48 4c 52 31 5f 52 31 32 31 31 32 ff
44 00 00 0E 01 32 14 56 42 17 47 48 0f ff ff ff
44 00 00 01 32 14 56 00 23 83 95 2f 42 17 47 48
00 0f ff ff 00 15 00 0a 48 00 01 5a 00 02 17 00
00 2f 00 00 30 00 00 31 00 00 ff 34 ff 44 00 00
02 32 14 56 01 75 70 69 8f 42 17 47 48 00 1f ff
ff 00 15 00 0c 48 00 01 5a 00 0a 17 00 01 18 00
01 42 00 01 60 00 01 36 00 01 37 00 01 7e ff 44
00 00 2B 32 14 56 79 00 00 94 00 01 93 00 01 22
00 00 21 00 00 09 00 01 0a 00 01 10 00 01 08 00

I want to do a kind of grep to get the strings that follow the pattern:
ff 44 + (3 or 4 bytes) + 32 14 56 + (5 bytes)

I'm able to match that pattern in a text editor with the next regex:
FF( |\n)44(( |\n)[0-9a-f]{2}){3,4}( |\n)32( |\n)14( |\n)56(( |\n)[0-9a-f]{2}){5}

But I don't know how to insert this regex in a bash script (using awk, sed, etc) in order to
get the output below, because with awk the issue I see is that the pattern not always is in a unique line, could begin in one and ends in the next one.

Output desired:
ff 44 00 00 0E 01 32 14 56 42 17 47 48 0f
ff 44 00 00 01 32 14 56 00 23 83 95 2f
ff 44 00 00 02 32 14 56 01 75 70 69 8f
ff 44 00 00 2B 32 14 56 79 00 00 94 00

May some body help with this.

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 08-24-2013
Hi, try:
awk -v pat="ff 44( [^ ]{2}){3,4} 32 14 56( [^ ]{2}){5}" '{b=p $0} match(b,pat) {print substr(b,RSTART,RLENGTH); sub(pat,x)} {p=$0 FS}' file

ff 44 00 00 0E 01 32 14 56 42 17 47 48 0f
ff 44 00 00 01 32 14 56 00 23 83 95 2f
ff 44 00 00 02 32 14 56 01 75 70 69 8f
ff 44 00 00 2B 32 14 56 79 00 00 94 00

Only space (no newline) was used in the matching regex, because space was used to glue two lines together in the variable b The expression will never be on more that two lines and there cannot be two matches on a single line... The substitution (sub() ) is necessary for cases where a match occurs on a single line...

It is a bit much for a single line, so this may be more readable:
awk -v pat="ff 44( [^ ]{2}){3,4} 32 14 56( [^ ]{2}){5}" '
    b=p $0
  match(b,pat) {
    print substr(b,RSTART,RLENGTH)
    p=$0 FS
' file

This should work with regular awk. With gawk <= version 3 try gawk --re-interval . With mawk it will not function because it cannot do {m,n} interval expressions, so in that case the regex would need to be expanded..

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 08-24-2013 at 08:25 AM..
# 3  
Old 08-24-2013
Hello Scrutinizer,

Thank you, it works just fine.

I'm trying to modify your code in order to group the bytes as follow:
ff 44 00000E01 321456421747480f
ff 44 000001   321456002383952f
ff 44 000002   321456017570698f
ff 44 00002B   3214567900009400

But trying to separate with substr(b,1,2) substr(3,4) ... is printing in different order, that I'm don't understand yet how is stored in b.

The objetive to group it is to print as decimal the 3rd column as below:
ff 44 3585 	321456421747480f
ff 44 1 	321456002383952f
ff 44 2 	321456017570698f
ff 44 43	3214567900009400

How can I do this?

Thanks again.
# 4  
Old 08-24-2013
You would need a bit of additional substring wrestling, try something like:
awk -v pat="ff 44( [^ ]{2}){3,4} 32 14 56( [^ ]{2}){5}" '
    b=p $0
  match(b,pat) {
    printf "ff 44 %8-d%s\n","0x" f1,f2
    p=$0 FS
' file

or remove those spaces beforehand:
awk -v pat="ff44.{6}(..)?321456.{10}" '
    b=p $0
  match(b,pat) {
    printf "ff 44 %8-d%s\n","0x" f1,f2
' file

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 08-24-2013 at 03:44 PM..
# 5  
Old 08-24-2013
Hello Scrutinizer,

Thanks for your time!.

I've trying but is printing "0's" only.
ff 44 0       321456421747480f
ff 44 0       321456002383952f
ff 44 0       321456017570698f
ff 44 0       3214567900009400

# 6  
Old 08-24-2013
  • Hi did you prepend the first value with "0x" ?
  • Otherwise, what does awk 'BEGIN{printf "%8-d\n", "0x" "00000E01"}' produce?
  • What is your OS and version?
# 7  
Old 08-24-2013
Hello Scrutinizer,

Produces "0". But strtonum produces correct output.
$ awk 'BEGIN{printf "%8-d\n", "%0x" "00000E01"}'
$ awk 'BEGIN{print strtonum(0xE01)}'

I'm using Cygwin, latest version on Windows.

CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 2013-08-15 11:55 i686 Cygwin

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