Convert Rows to Columns

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# 1  
Old 08-22-2013
Convert Rows to Columns

Hi Everyone,
Could someone shed some lights on how to convert the records in rows form into column basis.

 65536 MB
 45056 MB

IP                SYS MODEL         SN           CPU    MEMORY     OSLEVEL
--                -----------         --            ----   --------     ---------  IBM,8255-E8B     102691P    4        65536 MB   6100-04-11-1140  IBM,8255-E8B     102698P    4        45056 MB   6100-04-11-1140

# 2  
Old 08-22-2013
awk '!$0{print;next}{printf $0"\t"}' infile

and yeah, the headers you can echo it or print them in the BEGIN block of awk.



Last edited by ahamed101; 08-22-2013 at 02:33 AM.. Reason: Removed the paste command
# 3  
Old 08-22-2013
Thanks Ahamed. Could you explain a bit on the script you posted ? This is simple but quite powerful
# 4  
Old 08-22-2013
awk '{$1=$1}1' RS="\n\n" file IBM,8255-E8B 102691P 8 65536 MB 6100-04-11-1140 IBM,8255-E8B 102698P 4 45056 MB 6100-04-11-1140

Normal record selector RS is a single new line.
I do set it to two new line (as a blank line would give) RS="\n\n"
Then I do tell awk to reconstruct the data using new RS with $1=$1
Last, print everything out 1
# 5  
Old 08-22-2013
There you go...
awk '
        {printf $0"\t"}         #Print each line without a newline separated by tab
        !$0{print;next}         #If there is an empty line, then print it with new line, this is 
                                #what basically separates the records
' infile

# 6  
Old 08-22-2013
Originally Posted by ahamed101
#what basically separates the records
That's why its working fine to just change the record separator RS Smilie
Like the example in my post #4
# 7  
Old 08-22-2013
Originally Posted by Jotne
That's why its working fine to just change the record separator RS Smilie
Like the example in my post #4
Yup... I somehow miss this RS logic always...

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