Telnet errors coming on screen while using snarf command.

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# 1  
Old 08-20-2013
Telnet errors coming on screen while using snarf command.

Hi Team,

I am using one script, It is working fine, the problem is it gives unwanted telnet errors when I am using it.
I just want to remove these unwanted errors/info from my screen.

bash-3.00$ cat raza_site_temp
snarf2 -c "show chassis status" `showHosts gsx |egrep "$REGEX"` > /dev/null > d1d1
cat d1d1 |egrep -i "Node|Temp"|sed '/Node/{x;p;x;}'
echo "GSX Temperature > 30C"
echo "*********************"
cat d1d1|egrep "Node|Temp"|awk '{if ($1~/Node:/) print $1,$2; else if ($1~/Temperature/) print $0}'|sed '$!N;s/\n/ /'|awk '{if (substr($4,1,2)>30) print $2,"----->", $4}'|awk '{printf "%-10s %s %s\n", $1,$2,$3}'

Output of the script

bash-3.00$ ./raza_site_temp hst

Enter GSX Login: Enter GSX Password:
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Connection to closed by foreign host.
Connection to closed by foreign host.
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Connection to closed by foreign host.
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Connection to closed by foreign host.
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Connection to closed by foreign host.
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Connection to closed by foreign host.
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Node: hstg1so Date: 2013/08/20 09:35:31 GMT
Temperature: 25C

Node: hstg2so Date: 2013/08/20 09:35:39 GMT
Temperature: 26C

Node: hstg3so Date: 2013/08/20 09:35:48 GMT
Temperature: 24C

Node: hstg4so Date: 2013/08/20 09:35:55 GMT
Temperature: 25C

Node: hstg5so Date: 2013/08/20 09:36:03 GMT
Temperature: 25C

Node: hstg6so Date: 2013/08/20 09:36:11 GMT
Temperature: 25C

GSX Temperature > 30C


When I fire script it will ask for password, then it will fetch data from different node, error coming from redundant ports.
I jus want these telnet and connection refused error does not appear on my screen.

# 2  
Old 08-20-2013

You need to redirect STDERR to /dev/null as well to avoid these messages (unless inability to contact a host is of interest ;) ), we can do this by redirecting stderr to stdout [icode]2>&1[/icode] this is a very common idiom.
[code]snarf2 -c "show chassis status" `showHosts gsx |egrep "$REGEX"` > /dev/null > d1d1 2>&1[/code]

Duplicate thread... answered on the better formatted one.

Last edited by Skrynesaver; 08-20-2013 at 08:07 AM..
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