Extract string between two delimiter

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Extract string between two delimiter
# 15  
Old 08-13-2013
Your are fixing the symptoms. Fix the program that gives wrong output.
# 16  
Old 08-13-2013
Originally Posted by Niranjancse
Could you please explain me how this command works??

Thanks is advance
awk     '       {while (!($0~/\.... *$/)) {             # all filenames have extensions: dot + three chars = \.+... before spaces and EOL 
                        getline x;$0=$0" "x}}           # while no ext: get next line; append to $0
                {gsub (/^[^(]*\(                        # subst: BOL, any chars except "(", and "("
                                |                       # OR
                                 \).*$/                 # ")" any chars EOL
                                        ,"")            # with nothing (i.e. remove); leaving pure filename behind
         1                                              # print (modified?) $0
        ' file                                          # work on file

---------- Post updated at 18:12 ---------- Previous update was at 18:03 ----------

EDIT: I have to second ahamed101 in post#13 that moving targets are really annoying! Still, try this:
awk '{while (gsub(/\"/,"&")%2) {getline x; $0=$0" "x}}1' file 
db2 +c "alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially" >>$LOG 2>&1
db2 +c "alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially &  $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially JOIN $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially INNER $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially" >>$LOG 2>&1
db2 +c "alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially" >>$LOG 2>&1
db2 +c "alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname  activate not logged initially" >>$LOG 2>&1

You now have the full lines in $0 and can operate on it as need be.
# 17  
Old 08-13-2013
@RudiC you missed this And I want data between two delimeter " " in one line only.

This should give correct result:
awk -v RS='"' '/LOG/ {f=1}  NR%2==0 {gsub(/\n/,x,$0);s=s $0} f{print s;s=x;f=0}'
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially & $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially JOIN$SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially INNER$SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially

But its much better to fix the output of the program, and does the output vary all the time? How many version is needed?
# 18  
Old 08-13-2013
@Jotne: No, I did not miss it. I left it to the requestor's discretion what to do with the full lines. Just adding {FS="\""; $0=$0; print $2} would yield the results you presented...
But I agree, all these are band aids not addressing the root problem.
# 19  
Old 08-13-2013

Just for the fun of it, a much shorter version Smilie
awk 'NR%2==0 {gsub(/\n/,x);print}' RS='"' file
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially & $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially JOIN$SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially INNER$SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially
alter table $SCHEMA.$tabname activate not logged initially

# 20  
Old 08-13-2013
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