PHP code to Perl plx

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting PHP code to Perl plx
# 1  
Old 08-10-2013
PHP code to Perl plx

hi everybody
this ex-PHP code:
use JSON;
use URI::Escape;

my $obj = decode_json($answer);
my $l = $obj->{data};
my $h = substr($useragent, 0, 25) . $fuid01 . 'I keep watch over you ;)';
my $str = "";
for (my $g = 0; $g < length($l); $g++){
   $str.= chr(ord($l[$g]) ^ ord($h[$g % length($h)]));
print uri_unescape($str);

is not working on Perl
$l[$g] - is an array in perl but it's not array in PHP
this one line is not working because of that:
$str.= chr(ord($l[$g]) ^ ord($h[$g % length($h)]));

how to do it right?

---------- Post updated 08-10-13 at 11:24 ---------- Previous update was 08-09-13 at 20:11 ----------

still stucked
# 2  
Old 08-10-2013
I don't quite understand.
Your code looks eerily similar to Perl code, but is obviously incorrect. So I guess it's PHP code (?)

If that's the case, then what does this "for" loop do in PHP?

Originally Posted by tip78
for (my $g = 0; $g < length($l); $g++){
   $str.= chr(ord($l[$g]) ^ ord($h[$g % length($h)]));

And what are sample values of $l and $h?
# 3  
Old 08-10-2013
it is written in the second row:
this ex-PHP code:
$h is just a bunch of letters and digits
and $l is look like this (the part of it):
Uc[~aTnqz:75W 1;xAG
\9V pQ4KFGOQPFs|C FPWZC^_jQsQ1knTuuj
~j[[ $>OacCrj,Cd<▒4!'Dsp{OZ9CJmzEftqbhp_QiWb m

WU*TGklTp- EG %:^
nOhQ;8V ~jVsC(G#Y4@*KKTsh1gVd/ LJT]l@|uw\c,>(YJ
tLBuy3 <2K3Kx><D%


(smGbVg~(LJT>,!6j W6,wJ
<4Gq|qt\c+:[\k▒8%.87!- d
and source ($answer) is like that:
{"data":"hX8L^^\u0002@[ZUN\\}\u0003\u0003\u001e\u0013\u0014GB,QG\t_B\u0014PQ\u0016\u0004t\u0006\u001dTvFQP\u0006A\u0016\u00 1d\u0003\u0002G_khs\u0005 ........ etc ............ }
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