Stty: : No such device or address

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Stty: : No such device or address
# 15  
Old 08-07-2013
alike other script in the same directory, i am using this
in the begining of my script. what else do i need to do to get profile file working properly?
# 16  
Old 08-07-2013
You haven't shown us your entire script. Of the six lines you did show, one was Bourne shell, and you seem to have wrongly deduced that the error is somewhere it is not.

I haven't used C-Shell in the best part of 20 years - and for good reason - it's rubbish, really rubbish! Just because "other scripts" in the directory uses it doesn't mean you have to!

Please post your entire script so we can see the big picture instead of doing this piecemeal.
# 17  
Old 08-07-2013
here is the entire script:


# ***  Lovely Sethi 08/2013  ***
#  This process executes the BRAVO_MAIN_REFRESH.sql
#  This file should be scheduled in CRONTAB to run each Big run.

stty erase ^H 2>/dev/null

`sqlplus -s $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID   << EOF > sql_output.txt
                select count(*) from bravo_statistics
                where trunc(time_stamp)=trunc(sysdate)
                and description in ('BEGIN NIT','END MR');
big_cnt=`sed -n '4p' sql_output.txt`
#big_cnt=$(sed -n '4p' sql_output.txt)

if [ $big_cnt -eq 0 ] ; then

`sqlplus -s $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID   << EOF >> sql_output.txt
                select nvl(description,'0') from bravo_statistics
                where trunc(time_stamp)=trunc(sysdate)
                and description='END CAT';
`sqlplus -s $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID   << EOF >> sql_output.txt
                select count(*) from mrs.bill_cal
                where trunc(actual_run_date)=trunc(sysdate)-19;
end_ct=`sed -n '9p' sql_output.txt`
#end_ct=$(sed -n '9p' sql_output.txt)
emtr_cnt=`sed -n '14p' sql_output.txt`
#emtr_cnt=$(sed -n '14p' sql_output.txt)
if [ "$end_ct" = "END CAT" ] && [ $emtr_cnt -eq 1 ] ;  then
sqlplus $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID @/uv1402/u207/home/bravodba/bestdbscript/sqlscriptfiles/BRAVO_MAIN_REFRESH.sql
echo "value found"


Last edited by lovelysethii; 08-07-2013 at 10:53 AM..
# 18  
Old 08-07-2013
Now it's Bash??

Are the Oracle variables set up in the ~/.bash_profile?

$ cat scr1

# ***  Lovely Sethi 08/2013  ***
#  This process executes the BRAVO_MAIN_REFRESH.sql
#  This file should be scheduled in CRONTAB to run each Big run.

. ~/.bash_profile 2> /dev/null >&2

sqlplus -s $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID   << EOF > sql_output.txt
                select count(*) from bravo_statistics
                where trunc(time_stamp)=trunc(sysdate)
                and description in ('BEGIN NIT','END MR');
big_cnt=$(sed -n '4p' sql_output.txt)

if [ $big_cnt -eq 0 ] ; then

  sqlplus -s $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID   << EOF >> sql_output.txt
                select nvl(description,'0') from bravo_statistics
                where trunc(time_stamp)=trunc(sysdate)
                and description='END CAT';

  sqlplus -s $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID   << EOF >> sql_output.txt
                select count(*) from mrs.bill_cal
                where trunc(actual_run_date)=trunc(sysdate)-19;

  end_ct=$(sed -n '9p' sql_output.txt)
  emtr_cnt=$(sed -n '14p' sql_output.txt)

  if [ "$end_ct" = "END CAT" ] && [ $emtr_cnt -eq 1 ];  then
    sqlplus $ORACLE_USER/$ORACLE_PASS@$ORACLE_SID @/uv1402/u207/home/bravodba/bestdbscript/sqlscriptfiles/BRAVO_MAIN_REFRESH.sql
    echo "value found"

$ bash -n scr1
(no output - syntax is valid)

# 19  
Old 08-07-2013
I see you swiftly edited your post to change



Which is it???

The script you posted is Bourne shell-like NOT C-shell.
# 20  
Old 08-07-2013
ahh!! i was doing some experiment. actually it is csh
# 21  
Old 08-07-2013
No. It's Bourne shell. There is nothing C-shell about the script you posted.

This is a waste of time.

Thread closed.
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