A simpler way to do this (save a list of files based on part of their name)

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting A simpler way to do this (save a list of files based on part of their name)
# 8  
Old 08-01-2013
If you just drop the eval you'll probably get the array you want, but creating an array sounds like an unnecessary complication for what you seem to want to do. If you give us a concrete example showing us exactly what you want to do, we can probably show you an easier way to do it just using a while read loop or a straight command substitution in a cp command line.

As a general rule, ALWAYS determine what you want to do 1st and then figure out how to do it. If you start with the assumption that you need to use an array before you decide what you want to do, you'll frequently miss simpler or more efficient ways to get things done.
# 9  
Old 08-01-2013
This is the full script I have that does what I want.


# loop through all files and copy the top 5 EV and CV to continue w/ random weight files

FOLDS=(f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9)

for FOLD in "${FOLDS[@]}"

   # get directory list

   # reinitalize





   for INFILE in $FILES

   #  remove directory from path
      FILENAME=`echo $INFILE | awk 'BEGIN {FS="/"} {print $3}'`
   #  find ev mae value
      EV_MAE_VALUE=`echo $FILENAME | awk 'BEGIN {FS="_"} {print $1}'`
   #  find ev mae value
      CV_MAE_VALUE=`echo $FILENAME | awk 'BEGIN {FS="_"} {print $3}'`

   # save the names of the top 5 EV files
      if (( $(bc <<< "$EV_MAE_VALUE < $EV_MAE_0") == 1 ))
         #bump down current list items
         EV_FILES[4]=${EV_FILES[3]}; EV_MAE_4=$EV_MAE_3
         EV_FILES[3]=${EV_FILES[2]}; EV_MAE_3=$EV_MAE_2
         EV_FILES[2]=${EV_FILES[1]}; EV_MAE_2=$EV_MAE_1
         EV_FILES[1]=${EV_FILES[0]}; EV_MAE_1=$EV_MAE_0
         # assign EV_MAE_VALUE to top value

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$EV_MAE_VALUE < $EV_MAE_1") == 1 ))
         EV_FILES[4]=${EV_FILES[3]}; EV_MAE_4=$EV_MAE_3
         EV_FILES[3]=${EV_FILES[2]}; EV_MAE_3=$EV_MAE_2
         EV_FILES[2]=${EV_FILES[1]}; EV_MAE_2=$EV_MAE_1

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$EV_MAE_VALUE < $EV_MAE_2") == 1 ))
         EV_FILES[4]=${EV_FILES[3]}; EV_MAE_4=$EV_MAE_3
         EV_FILES[3]=${EV_FILES[2]}; EV_MAE_3=$EV_MAE_2

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$EV_MAE_VALUE < $EV_MAE_3") == 1 ))
         EV_FILES[4]=${EV_FILES[3]}; EV_MAE_4=$EV_MAE_3

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$EV_MAE_VALUE < $EV_MAE_4") == 1 ))


   # save the names of the top 5 CV files
      if (( $(bc <<< "$CV_MAE_VALUE < $CV_MAE_0") == 1 ))
         #bump down current list items
         CV_FILES[4]=${CV_FILES[3]}; CV_MAE_4=$CV_MAE_3
         CV_FILES[3]=${CV_FILES[2]}; CV_MAE_3=$CV_MAE_2
         CV_FILES[2]=${CV_FILES[1]}; CV_MAE_2=$CV_MAE_1
         CV_FILES[1]=${CV_FILES[0]}; CV_MAE_1=$CV_MAE_0
         # assign EV_MAE_VALUE to top value

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$CV_MAE_VALUE < $CV_MAE_1") == 1 ))
         CV_FILES[4]=${CV_FILES[3]}; CV_MAE_4=$CV_MAE_3
         CV_FILES[3]=${CV_FILES[2]}; CV_MAE_3=$CV_MAE_2
         CV_FILES[2]=${CV_FILES[1]}; CV_MAE_2=$CV_MAE_1

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$CV_MAE_VALUE < $CV_MAE_2") == 1 ))
         CV_FILES[4]=${CV_FILES[3]}; CV_MAE_4=$CV_MAE_3
         CV_FILES[3]=${CV_FILES[2]}; CV_MAE_3=$CV_MAE_2

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$CV_MAE_VALUE < $CV_MAE_3") == 1 ))
         CV_FILES[4]=${CV_FILES[3]}; CV_MAE_4=$CV_MAE_3

      elif (( $(bc <<< "$CV_MAE_VALUE < $CV_MAE_4") == 1 ))



   # copy list of filenames and corresponding ini weight sets to continue
   for I in "${EV_FILES[@]}"
      # copy file to continue
      cp -p './'$FOLD'/'$I './'$FOLD'/'$FOLD'_continue/EV/'$I
      #  find random ini set number
      RAND_SET=`echo $I} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="_"} {print $5}'`
      # copy random ini weight file to continue
      cp -p './rnd_ini/'$FOLD'/ri_'$RAND_SET'_'*'.wts'  './'$FOLD'/'$FOLD'_continue/EV/'

   for I in "${CV_FILES[@]}"
      # copy file to continue
      cp -p './'$FOLD'/'$I './'$FOLD'/'$FOLD'_continue/CV/'$I
      #  find random ini set number
      RAND_SET=`echo $I} | awk 'BEGIN {FS="_"} {print $5}'`
      # copy random ini weight file to continue
      cp -p './rnd_ini/'$FOLD'/ri_'$RAND_SET'_'*'.wts'  './'$FOLD'/'$FOLD'_continue/CV/'

   #move fold output files to stats folder
   mv './'$FOLD'/'*'out.txt' './'$FOLD'/'$FOLD'_stats/'


I thought it was overly long to post since my question was about the first part. This does the job that the first one I posted did, except that it does it twice. It loops through a set of sub folders f0-f9, finds the files with the top 5 EV MAE values (5 smallest field 1) and copies those files and a corresponding set of files to f*/f*_continue/EV/. Then it does the same thing for the top CV MAE values (5 smallest field 3) and copies to f*/f*_continue/CV/.

I have attached a new test dir with the script and supporting files. I have edited the script so that it is only working with f0, f1, f2 to help simplify things. The script will find the top EV MAE values by reading the first field, and then find the .wts file that goes with it. Both will be coppied to the continue folder.

For example, the top EV MAE file for f0 is,
so this will be copied to ./f0/f0_continue/EV/

The .wts file associated with this is 35 (field 5), so the script will also copy,
to ./f0/f0_continue/EV/

The top CV MAE file for f0 is,
so this will be copied to ./f0/f0_continue/CV/

The .wts file associated with this is 23 (field 5), so the script will also copy,
to ./f0/f0_continue/CV/

After a f* directory is processed, the script moves all the .out.txt files to ./f*/f*_stats/.

Since the version you posted accepts arguments, there would be no need to do both CV and EV in the same run. The script could be called twice with the proper arguments for each. It is also very nice that your method allows you to pick any number of files to collect. It will probably end up being about 20, but I'm not sure yet.

Thanks for all the help.

# 10  
Old 08-05-2013
This is why I often don't post what I want to do in its entirety. It seems that most of the time when I post a long script, no one seems to want to wade into it (which is quite understandable). I guess I still need to work on making posts that are long enough to convey what I am asking and get a workable solution, but short enough that they will actually be read.

I modified the code that you posted and have something that gives me what I need. This is the modified code,

# argument $1 is the field to sort on based on file names as below

# 53.96_E3000_50.19_E2200_35_ri_OA_f0_S1C_v17_52.26.1_4_ON_0.25lr.out.txt
#     1     2     3     4  5

# argument $2 is the file count, meaning the number of files to find and copy
# argument $3 is the set type EV/CV

# for the top 10 EV outcomes call as ./01_copy_top_outcomes.sh 1 10 EV
# for the top 10 CV outcomes call as ./01_copy_top_outcomes.sh 3 10 CV

USAGE="./script_name  sort_field   file_count   set_type"

# field to sort on
# number of files to find
# processing set type EV/CV

# make sure there are 3 arguments and the first two are numberss
if [ $# -ne 3 ] || [ "$1" != "${2%*[^0-9]*}" ] || [ "$2" != "${3%*[^0-9]*}" ]
then    echo "$USAGE"
        exit 1

# loop on all folds
FOLDS=(f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9)

for FOLD in ${FOLDS[@]}

#  check if the directory exists, this should never throw.
   if [[ ! -d "$FOLD" ]]
   then  echo 'directory' $FOLD'/ does not exist, exit script'
         exit 1

   # change directory to current fold
   cd $FOLD
   echo "processing" $FOLD


   # sort the list of filenames and output the top number "n" as specified in argument $3
   FILE_LIST=( $(df -h | ls *.out.txt | sort -t_ -k$KEY_FIELD,$KEY_FIELD'n' | awk -F_ -v f=$KEY_FIELD -v c=$FILE_COUNT 'NR > c {exit} {printf("%s", $0)}') )

   # loop up to file count to parse output and copy files that were found by sort
   for (( LOOP_CT=1; LOOP_CT<=$FILE_COUNT; LOOP_CT++ ))

      # parse output string on .out.txt to locate individual files
      FILE_TEMP=`echo $FILE_LIST | awk -v N=$LOOP_CT 'BEGIN {FS=".out.txt"} {print $N}'`
      # restore file extension

      echo $FILE_NAME

      # copy file and corresponding ini weight set to continue
      # copy file to continue
      cp -p './'$FILE_NAME './'$FOLD'_continue/'$SET_TYPE'/'$FILE_NAME

      #  find random ini set number
      RAND_SET=`echo $FILE_NAME | awk 'BEGIN {FS="_"} {print $5}'`
      # copy random ini weight file to continue
      cp -p '../rnd_ini/'$FOLD'/ri_'$RAND_SET'_'*'.wts'  './'$FOLD'_continue/'$SET_TYPE'/'


   # return to start directory
   cd ../


The entire list of files that is found ends up in the variable FILE_LIST, so that gets parsed into individual file names. Those files are copied to the proper location and an associated file is also located an copied. This loops through all sub folders f0-f9, so that is no longer an argument.

This seems reasonable and works, but I don't know awk well enough to see if there are any hidden problems. There is probably an easier way to copy the files I need, but I don't know how to copy in awk, so I needed to get the file names in bash variables that I know how to manipulate to some extent.

Do you see anything dreadfully wrong here? This does give me the ablity to specify the sort field and the number of files I want, which is a big improvement over what I first posted.

# 11  
Old 08-06-2013
The goal of The UNIX and Linux Forums is to help you learn how to do "stuff" on your own; not to write programs for you. I gave you a sample script to get you started, and from your message #9 in this thread it sounded like you were well on your way to getting a working solution. (And posting a 384Kb zipped archive that expands to over 1Mb without a clear indication of the desired outcome of processing it takes more space and time that most volunteers are willing to donate.)

From what you have shown here in message #10, you are learning quickly. Smilie I will make a few more comments that may help you speed this up a little bit: First, in the pipeline:
df -h | ls *.out.txt | sort -t_ -k$KEY_FIELD,$KEY_FIELD'n' | awk -F_ -v f=$KEY_FIELD -v c=$FILE_COUNT 'NR > c {exit} {printf("%s", $0)}'

what would happen if you remove the code shown in red? The ls utility doesn't read from standard input, so it seems that the df command in this pipeline should make no difference in the output of this pipeline. (It will just make the pipeline run slower.)

Second you seem to go to a lot of effort to store the output of this pipeline in an array and then spend a lot of time trying to extract individual file names from the array. It looks like the array will only have one element because the printf in your awk command doesn't put a space between the names of the files it prints. If you would change the printf statement from:
printf("%s", $0)

printf(" %s", $0)

you could reference filenames in the array more simply by using ${FILELIST[0]} through ${FILELIST[$((FILE_COUNT-1))]}.

But, why have an array at all. Why not just process the files one at a time as they come out of awk? As an example, what would happen if you replaced:
   # sort the list of filenames and output the top number "n" as specified in argument $3
   FILE_LIST=( $(df -h | ls *.out.txt | sort -t_ -k$KEY_FIELD,$KEY_FIELD'n' | awk -F_ -v f=$KEY_FIELD -v c=$FILE_COUNT 'NR > c {exit} {printf("%s", $0)}') )

   # loop up to file count to parse output and copy files that were found by sort
   for (( LOOP_CT=1; LOOP_CT<=$FILE_COUNT; LOOP_CT++ ))

      # parse output string on .out.txt to locate individual files
      FILE_TEMP=`echo $FILE_LIST | awk -v N=$LOOP_CT 'BEGIN {FS=".out.txt"} {print $N}'`
      # restore file extension

      echo $FILE_NAME

      # copy file and corresponding ini weight set to continue
      # copy file to continue
      cp -p './'$FILE_NAME './'$FOLD'_continue/'$SET_TYPE'/'$FILE_NAME

      #  find random ini set number
      RAND_SET=`echo $FILE_NAME | awk 'BEGIN {FS="_"} {print $5}'`
      # copy random ini weight file to continue
      cp -p '../rnd_ini/'$FOLD'/ri_'$RAND_SET'_'*'.wts'  './'$FOLD'_continue/'$SET_TYPE'/'


with the much simpler:
      ls *.out.txt | sort -t_ -k$KEY_FIELD,${KEY_FIELD}n |
      awk -F_ -v c="$FILE_COUNT" '
        NR > c {exit}
        {print $0, $5}' |
      while read FILE_NAME RAND_SET
        # copy files that were found by sort
        echo "file_name: $FILE_NAME rand_set: $RAND_SET"

        # copy file and corresponding ini weight set to continue
        # copy file to continue
        cp -p './'$FILE_NAME './'$FOLD'_continue/'$SET_TYPE'/'$FILE_NAME

        # copy random ini weight file to continue
        cp -p '../rnd_ini/'$FOLD'/ri_'$RAND_SET'_'*'.wts'  './'$FOLD'_continue/'$SET_TYPE'/'

Note that there is no array here, there is only one invocation of awk (instead of n+1 invocations to process n files), and RAND_SET is pulled from the file name at the file name at a time when we already have the fields in the file name split out (so we only have to split the name once). You can also get rid of some unneeded temporary variables since OUTPUT was not (and still is not) referenced after being set, and FILE_TEMP is no longer used.
This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 12  
Old 08-11-2013
Sorry for the delay, it has been an unexpectedly busy end of the week.

Originally Posted by Don Cragun
The goal of The UNIX and Linux Forums is to help you learn how to do "stuff" on your own; not to write programs for you.
I completely understand and agree with this. I always try to start with a post that contains at least some kind of a working script. This is to do as much as I can on my own and let the other users here know that I am working to solve the problem, not expecting others to do it for me. I also think that compared to a text explanation, programming code is easier to read in terms of understand what a person is after. I read long prose explanations of code algorithms when I am having trouble falling asleep at night. I still haven't consistently found the sweet spot when it comes to exactly how much to post. It appears that my first attempt was to short to explain all I was trying to do, and my second was way too long to bother wading into.

It turns out that I didn't end up using an array. Everything that came out of the code you posted ended up in a single long string variable ($FILE_LIST). I just looped on the number of files I was expecting to find and parsed the long string to pull out the file name for each iteration of the loop.

Originally Posted by Don Cragun
But, why have an array at all. Why not just process the files one at a time as they come out of awk?
The simple explanation for this is that I don't know awk very well at all. I can more or less use it to parse things, but only in the simplest implementations. I did spend some time trying to take the output from awk and work with it, but I think I was using a redirect instead of a pipe.

So as I read this now, ls is passing all .out.txt to sort, sort is sorting on the key field and passes the sorted list to awk. Awk processes each item in the list and outputs the specified fields. Then it looks like the output of awk is passed to read, which dumps the output into the vars $FILE_NAME and $RAND_SET. Once you are there, the rest is straightforward. I am not familiar with read, so that is something new to me. I would not have known how to get awk to output two variables and get them into something that I could use with cp. I am also not quite clear about how awk knows when it has read in enough lines to get to $FILE_COUNT. Is "NR" an implicit running counter of some kind so that when NR > $FILE_COUNT awk quits (I see that you have passed $FILE_COUNT to awk as c)?

From time to time I think I am getting better at this, then I try to do something new and find out how much I still don't know. I do really appreciate that help that is available here.

# 13  
Old 08-11-2013
Originally Posted by LMHmedchem
Sorry for the delay, it has been an unexpectedly busy end of the week.

... ... ...
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
But, why have an array at all. Why not just process the files one at a time as they come out of awk?
It turns out that I didn't end up using an array. Everything that came out of the code you posted ended up in a single long string variable ($FILE_LIST). I just looped on the number of files I was expecting to find and parsed the long string to pull out the file name for each iteration of the loop.
When you assign a value to a shell variable using the syntax:
var=( list_of_values )

and your shell is a recent bash or ksh, you are defining var to be an array. So, the way you initialized FILE_LIST, it was an array containing only one element.

Originally Posted by LMHmedchem
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
But, why have an array at all. Why not just process the files one at a time as they come out of awk?
The simple explanation for this is that I don't know awk very well at all. I can more or less use it to parse things, but only in the simplest implementations. I did spend some time trying to take the output from awk and work with it, but I think I was using a redirect instead of a pipe.

So as I read this now, ls is passing all .out.txt to sort, sort is sorting on the key field and passes the sorted list to awk. Awk processes each item in the list and outputs the specified fields. Then it looks like the output of awk is passed to read, which dumps the output into the vars $FILE_NAME and $RAND_SET. Once you are there, the rest is straightforward. I am not familiar with read, so that is something new to me. I would not have known how to get awk to output two variables and get them into something that I could use with cp. I am also not quite clear about how awk knows when it has read in enough lines to get to $FILE_COUNT. Is "NR" an implicit running counter of some kind so that when NR > $FILE_COUNT awk quits (I see that you have passed $FILE_COUNT to awk as c)?
Yes, you correctly interpreted what ls, sort, awk, and read are doing.

I suggest that you look at the read(1) man page. The read utility built into your shell will probably have additional options, but the POSIX description in the link above is all you need to understand what is going on in the simple script suggestions I provided. You might also want to read the awk(1) man page; the awk command:
      awk -F_ -v c="$FILE_COUNT" '
        NR > c {exit}
        {print $0, $5}'

The -F_ sets the input field separator to the underscore character, -v c="$FILE_COUNT" sets the awk variable c to the expansion of the shell variable FILE_COUNT, NR > c {exit} exits awk if the current number of input records read from all input files is greater than the awk variable c, and {print $0, $5} prints the entire current input record followed by a space followed by the 5th field from the current input record followed by a newline character. And then the:
 ... ... ...

does read one line in a loop until the end-of-file is detected on the input pipe and sets the shell variables FILE_NAME and RAND_SET to the two values written by awk. And, as you said, the loop processes each line of output from awk to move the appropriate files into their desired places.
Originally Posted by LMHmedchem
From time to time I think I am getting better at this, then I try to do something new and find out how much I still don't know. I do really appreciate that help that is available here.

That's what we're here for. Don't be afraid to experiment. If you have a loop like this and want to see what it will do without actually copying files, put an echo in front of the cp to have the script show you what it will do when you remove the echos.

Get used to using:
set -xv
    code to trace
set +xv

to surround segments of shell code that you don't understand so you can see what commands are being called and what operands are being passed to them.
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