[Solved] Show lines above and below!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting [Solved] Show lines above and below!
# 8  
Old 10-05-2011
Using sed...
sed -n '{H;/searchme/{n;H;x;s/.*\n\(.*\n.*\n\)/\1/;p}}' input_file

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ANSI2KNR(1)						      General Commands Manual						       ANSI2KNR(1)

ansi2knr - convert ANSI C to Kernighan & Ritchie C SYNOPSIS
ansi2knr [--filename filename] [input_file [output_file]] DESCRIPTION
--filename provides the file name for the #line directive in the output, overriding input_file (if present). If no input_file is supplied, input is read from stdin. If no output_file is supplied, output goes to stdout. There are no error messages. ansi2knr recognizes function definitions by seeing a non-keyword identifier at the left margin, followed by a left parenthesis, with a right parenthesis as the last character on the line, and with a left brace as the first token on the following line (ignoring possible intervening comments). It will recognize a multi-line header provided that no intervening line ends with a left or right brace or a semi- colon. These algorithms ignore whitespace and comments, except that the function name must be the first thing on the line. ansi2knr also recognizes adjacent string literals and concatenates them. The following constructs will confuse it: - Any other construct that starts at the left margin and follows the above syntax (such as a macro or function call). - Some macros that tinker with the syntax of the function header. - String literals whose concatenation requires rewriting their contents; e.g. "ab " "07c" is concatenated to "ab 07c", which is not correct. The --varargs switch is obsolete, and is recognized only for backwards compatibility. The present version of ansi2knr will always attempt to convert a ... argument to va_alist and va_dcl. AUTHOR
L. Peter Deutsch <ghost@aladdin.com> wrote the original ansi2knr and continues to maintain the current version; most of the code in the current version is his work. ansi2knr also includes contributions by Francois Pinard <pinard@iro.umontreal.ca>, Jim Avera <jima@net- com.com>, and Paul Eggert <eggert@twinsun.com>. 8 March 2000 ANSI2KNR(1)