I am having problem with parsing a data from the huge log file. the log file is an application log with around 5 Gb in size and it rotates every midnight.
Now if the application encountered such issue, it sends an email with a specific info but without further details. So I need to login to the server and do some grepping on the log file but I am having a hard time to get a good and accurate parsing results.
Since I dont have the exact log file. I am providing a sample log which I got from /var/log/messages of my linux box.
Usually the email that I received has a specific timestamp which I need to get the exact location of the info.
"06:10:28 mymachine kernel: This is it:: BIOS INFO 123: Get Bios info on the upper part of the log"
Based on that info above I need to get some details from the log.
That info is what I need but that info is on the upper part of the log which I don't know how to crawl the parsing going up when I found the string "BIOS INFO 123: Get Bios info on the upper part of the log"
So my requirements is to grep based on timestamp with a string BIOS INFO 123: Get Bios info on the upper part of the log, get the info on the upper part of the log and print the 3 infos which I need. By the way it doesn't tell how may lines where the 3 info are located based on the string which I need to get first.
Here's a sample log I hope anyone can help me. thanks a lot.
Oh, yes. But because your file is really huge it's better to embed this check in awk:
You can't use grep, it will search the whole file, but you need quit after getting your lines (just imagine that your information in the first 100 kilo). But I'm afraid the above awk solution would be slow because of the string regex. But you can embed the time variable (you need a variable for easy further automation) in the awk regex literal:
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Linux cmovel-db01 2.6.32-38-server #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 11:26:59 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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<special format>
10 lines
/<special format>
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Initialization completed in 2.146 seconds.
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id number
id number
command4 (4 Replies)
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