awk and mailx

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting awk and mailx
# 1  
Old 09-07-2011
awk and mailx

If i have a flat file record.log

Alex, San Jose, 8
Becker, Fremont, 9
Cadin, Milpitas, 9
Davin, San Jose, 10
Eric,Richmond, 10

How do i write a script to get the list of all the kids in San Jose and email me ?
I did not use script for over 10 yrs, now i forgot :-(
# 2  
Old 09-07-2011
Simple, no frills:

grep " San Jose," record.log | mailx -s "list from record" user@domain

# 3  
Old 09-07-2011
Thanks, but the out look not as i expected
Alex, San Jose, 8 Davin, San Jose, 10 Patrick, San Jose, 10 William, San Jose, 10

How do you make it like
Alex, San Jose, 8
Davin, San Jose, 10
Patrick, San Jose, 10
William, San Jose, 10

It will be nice if we get it like, separate by a tab ??

Alex San Jose 8
Davin San Jose 10
Patrick San Jose 10
William San Jose 10

Last edited by sabercats; 09-07-2011 at 08:32 PM..
# 4  
Old 09-07-2011
Not sure I'll be able to help with that. I tested sending mail to both the local system, and a main mail system and the output was placed on separate lines as expected. What are you using to read mail with? Maybe the reader isn't recognising newlines properly?
# 5  
Old 09-07-2011
I am using outlook 2010 to read it :-(
# 6  
Old 09-07-2011
Really out of my experience on that!! Last I played with anything from MS was DOS 3.something. I find it hard that they'd still insist on having a 0x0d0x0a pair as the end of line, but you could try this to see if it helps:

grep " San Jose," record.log | sed 's/$/\r/' | mailx -s "subject" user@domain

The sed should add a carriage return (\r) before the newline which might keep Outlook happy.

Not sure it will work, but easy to try.
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