check parameters

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# 1  
Old 08-31-2011
check parameters

hi all,

i write a script in ksh but i have a problem
I want to check the number of parameters

while [[ $a -gt 0 && $CLIENT != fine ]]
echo "Inserisci la macchina che vuoi restorare o scrivi fine per terminare lo script, puoi restorare" $a "client: "
echo $CLIENT

the variable $CLIENT must be FINE or name of one client and cannot acept another variable .
how can i do?
# 2  
Old 08-31-2011
$# gives the number of parms on the command line.

Ok. How can you know you have a client name? you have to test for that.
Note: I use "| grep -q "$CLIENT"" , your grep may not support that,
so use "| grep $CLIENT > /dev/null"
while true
   read CLIENT
   [  $CLIENT = "fine" ] && exit           # this completely exits from the whole script
   echo "$all_clients" | grep -q "$CLIENT"
   if [  $? -eq 0 ] ; then  # we found a good client 
      # do something with $CLIENT here
       echo "$CLIENT not a valid answer"

Satrt with this code.
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