Copying the Header & footer Information to the Outfile.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Copying the Header & footer Information to the Outfile.
# 8  
Old 08-26-2011
Hi Yazu,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

When I am using the below line:
$n -= grep {/^# PRODUCT/} @goodlines;

The "#" sign is actually commenting the entore line from there.i.e
# PRODUCT/} @goodlines;

commenting the above.

Is there any way to check for the above lines ?

Thanks much for your replies.
# 9  
Old 08-26-2011
No. # is an usual char in string literals and regexes :
# comment
$ perl -lne '!/^#/ && print' INPUTFILE 

What the error did you get?
This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
# 10  
Old 08-27-2011
I am Sorry Yazu. Its was my mistake.

You are Excellent. Smilie

I have learnt a lot more from your posts. Really appreciated for your knowledge sharing.

Bunch of thanks to you. you rock! Smilie Smilie
# 11  
Old 08-29-2011
Hi Yazu/All,

I have been trying to write the same logic in a different way:
i.e. Instead of loading the file into an array (memory), I would like to read the file line by line and then check for the conditions:
The code looks lile:
my $goodfile;
my $badfile;
my $footer_len = 4;
my $datarec_line = 1;
my ( @header, @footer, @goodlines, @badlines, @fields);
my $line;
$line = $_;
while (<FILE>)
$line = $_;
@fields = split (/\|/, $line);

if( $fields[57] eq " ")
 push @badlines, $line;

elsif( $fields[32] eq "N.A."  && $fields[33] eq "N.A." && $fields[34] eq "N.A." && $fields[38] eq "N.A." && ($fields[62] eq "N.A." ||  $fields[62] eq " "))
push @badlines, $line;

push @goodlines, $line;


@footer = splice @goodlines, -$footer_len;

my $n = @goodlines;
$n -= grep {/^# PRODUCT/} @goodlines;
$footer[$datarec_line] =~ s/\d+/$n/;

open my $fh, ">", $goodfile;
print $fh  @header, @goodlines, @footer;
close $fh;

open my $fh1, ">", $badfile;
print $fh1 @badlines;
close $fh1;

The script runs perfectly. It actually read line by line and then check for conditions.
The header contains 107 lines i.e.
START-OF-FILE .......  so on ....
# PRODUCT=Corp/Pfd   --> 107 Line

Since its 107 lines, while I am counting the number of lines its calculating the entire number of lines including the header and then doing the grep and substituting but instead it should exclude the header and do the remaining.

Other than that The footer looks good.

Could you please tell me whether is there any way to that after inserting the good lines into an array, calculating the number of lines without the header ?

Really appreciate your replies.
# 12  
Old 12-20-2011
Hi Yazu / All,

I am trying to implement and extend the logic more further.

The only issue is that the memory is reporting as full if a huge file is being passed to the script.

Currently the script is using the below logic:
while (<FILE>) { $line = $_; @fields = split (/\|/, $line);

Is there anyway we can use a hash or any other approach ?

Thanks for all your time and thoughts!
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