to check continuously with a specified interval whether a particular person is logged in or not

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting to check continuously with a specified interval whether a particular person is logged in or not
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Old 08-19-2011
to check continuously with a specified interval whether a particular person is logged in or not

Write a shell script which checks continuously with a specified interval whether a particular person
is logged in or not. The login name should be supplied as an argument to the shell script at the
command prompt.

how to do this?
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VIEW-OS(1)						      General Commands Manual							VIEW-OS(1)

viewsu - change (virtual) user ID or become (virtual) superuser SYNOPSIS
viewsu [options] [username] DESCRIPTION
The viewsu command is used to become another user during a login session. Invoked without a username, viewsu defaults to becoming the supe- ruser. The optional argument - may be used to provide an environment similar to what the user would expect had the user logged in directly. This command is the View-OS counterpart of the su(1) command. The value of $PATH is reset to /bin:/usr/bin for normal users, or /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin for the superuser. This may be changed with the ENV_PATH and ENV_SUPATH definitions in /etc/login.defs. OPTIONS
The options which apply to the viewsu command are: -c, --command COMMAND Specify a command that will be invoked by the shell using its -c. -, -l, --login Provide an environment similar to what the user would expect had the user logged in directly. When - is used, it must be specified as the last viewsu option. The other forms (-l and --login) do not have this restriction. -s, --shell SHELL The shell that will be invoked. The invoked shell is chosen from (highest priority first): o The shell specified with --shell. o The shell indicated in the /etc/passwd entry for the target user. o /bin/sh if a shell could not be found by any above method. SEE ALSO
su(1), linux.defs(5) AUTHORS
View-OS is a project of the Computer Science Department, University of Bologna. Project Leader: Renzo Davoli. <> Howto's and further information can be found on the project wiki <>. NOTE
Most part of the text is taken from su(1). VIEW-OS: a process with a view August 5, 2009 VIEW-OS(1)