Need help with PERL script

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# 1  
Old 08-19-2011
Need help with PERL script


I am trying to automate a process using PERL script but to some reason it's not working as expected. Please find the details below and help me.

Requirement: To connect few store boxes (UNIX servers) and execute a query (which stores the results in a file). Once done, pull the results to the local machine and do some manipulations.

What was achieved so far: Able to connect to the store box successfully but unable to execute any commands to some reason. Tried executing simple commands like, "ls", "pwd" but they aren't working and also not throwing any error messages.

Sample code :

1) spawn telnet st123
2) expect "Please enter your user id: "
3) send "user1\r"
4) expect "Please enter your password: "
5) send "password1\r"
6) expect "Please press <Enter> or <Return> to continue: "
7) send "\n"
8) expect "st123:/home/user> "
9) send "pwd\r"
10) send "exit\r"

The script is working upto the line#8 but after that it doesn't work. Please provide me your suggestions and let me know if you need any additional information from my end.
# 2  
Old 08-19-2011
do with ssh. setup password less ssh and execute the command like below.

ssh user@hotsname "ls"

# 3  
Old 08-19-2011
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunetly, I can't use ssh and hence I am forced to choose this option.
# 4  
Old 08-19-2011
This is an Expect script not Perl. Please post the output with errors.
# 5  
Old 08-19-2011
Yes, that's correct. I planned to use few other perl commands for manipulating the data (after it was pulled by the query) later and hence I called it as perl script. Sorry for the confusion.

As I mentioned earlier, the script doesn't throws any errors. It just exits out from the remote machine and returns to the command on the local machine.

Here is the output of the script.

Value of TERM has been set to "xterm".
st123:/home/user1> /home/user>

where st123:/home/user1> is on the remote machine.
/home/user is on the local machine.
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