complex requirement

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# 8  
Old 08-24-2011
The Sed command until it finds pattern END TEST puts all the lines in hold buffer (H). Once it matches a line with pattern END TEST, it starts searching for pattern TEST_DB from the lines present in the buffer, if this is found then it extracts the job name. This logic/loop continues until the end of file. To understand better technically you would need to go through Sed tutorial and Regular expressions.
This User Gave Thanks to michaelrozar17 For This Post:
# 9  
Old 08-24-2011
Hi Michael,

The command is working fine for the sample code which i gave in previous post. In real scenario for the file in which I should find the job names it is not working. The original file is around is around 500 MB containing more than 2000 jobs. So i am very confused why it is not finding the rows in that file. but the same code i tested with sample file. it is correctly picking the job names.

the command also not giving any error. it is executing for some time and finally the output file is blank.
# 10  
Old 08-24-2011
awk '/BEGIN TEST/ {
  n = $2
  while (getline > 0) {
    if (/TEST_DB/) {
      print n

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