Press Any Key script sequence using bash - HELP

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# 1  
Old 08-11-2011
Press Any Key script sequence using bash - HELP

hi to all.

im a newbie in unix shell scripts. i want to make a simple unix shell script using the bash shell that asks a user to press any key after a series of commands, or an x if he wishes to exit. here's a sample script that i made:
   /usr/bin/echo "\t\t Press any key to continue... or [x] to Exit... \c"
   read -s -n 1 any_key
      if [ "$any_key" = "x|X" ]
while :
   /usr/bin/echo "\t\t     Sample Press Any Key Routine  \n"
   /usr/bin/echo "\n\t\t Please enter your name :   \c"
   read name
   /usr/bin/echo "\n\n\t\t Your name is $name. \n"
   /usr/bin/echo "\n"

my problem is it does not exit when i press the letter x
it still continues the routine.
any help would be greatly appreciated.

# 2  
Old 08-11-2011
Neither "X|x" nor just X|x are valid syntax for using with test ( [...] ) command. For this there is the "case" statement. Use
if [ "$any_key" = x ] || [ "$any_key" = X ]

This User Gave Thanks to yazu For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-11-2011
your issue is
"$any_key" = "x|X"

it is taking your key say example you pressed x and comparing with "x|X" need to use use || to compare two values with if.

if [ ${any_key} = "x" ] || [ ${any_key} = "X" ]

This User Gave Thanks to dude2cool For This Post:
# 4  
Old 08-11-2011

thanks for the quick replies... my if condition is now working... Smilie
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