no command is not working to send a mail in linux redhot server

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# 1  
Old 08-05-2011
Data no command is not working to send a mail in linux redhot server

HI All,

I am facing the problem with rmail ...

Actually my server is linux environment Redhot server.
To send a mail which command I have to use it . I want subject and I want to Include CC also
And body of the mail also there . But If I use rmail command it is not taking any options to include subject and CC and body of the mail?

The following I am getting when I use rmail ....
"server is down on Aug 5 2011. please check the connection -urgently" is body of the mail............

rmail: missing or empty From line: server is down on Aug 5 2011. please check the connection -urgently

Thanks in Advance
Please help me out if any one knows - I need it urgently

# 2  
Old 08-10-2011
If mail and rmail have no subject line or cc options, try mailx. You can add header lines using
mailx -s 'Your-Subject

Last edited by DGPickett; 08-10-2011 at 02:47 PM..
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