Search a text, and Join the next line.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Search a text, and Join the next line.
# 1  
Old 07-31-2011
Question Search a text, and Join the next line.

Hello Everybody,

I am New to Unix Environment, and need some help.

Basically i have got a file named XYZ.txt with following pattern.

CR Len:102 Typ:1 Nro:71818037 Chk:1 Tim:2011-07-16/08:46:03 oiw:3 oTy:145 oAd:50206 diw:0 dTy:145 dAd:919399951328 SMC:919821900040
iTm:2011-07-16/08:46:03 dat:0 tcl:1 mLn:95 pid:0 srr:62 def:0 sde:LM-UPFJOY 
con:0-0-0 spe:0 dcs:0 ame:1 pri:4 vms:919821000001 ims:N/A                    
CR Len:102 Typ:1 Nro:71818038 Chk:1 Tim:2011-07-16/08:46:03 oiw:3 oTy:145 oAd:50206 diw:0 dTy:145 dAd:919848170499 SMC:919821900040
iTm:2011-07-16/08:46:03 dat:0 tcl:1 mLn:95 pid:0 srr:62 def:0 sde:LM-UPFJOY 
con:0-0-0 spe:0 dcs:0 ame:1 pri:4 vms:919821000001 ims:N/A

Now what i got to do is after the word
LM-UPFJOY "a space" and then Join the next consecutive line.
Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Franklin52; 08-01-2011 at 12:06 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags for data and code samples, thank you
# 2  
Old 07-31-2011
sed  '/LM-UPFJOY *$/ {N; s/ *\n/ / }' INPUTFILE

# 3  
Old 07-31-2011
awk solution:
awk '1' RS='LM-UPFJOY *\n' ORS='LM-UPFJOY ' input

# 4  
Old 08-01-2011
Thanks Yazu for your prompt reply,
but i am so sorry to say that i gave an error saying,
sed: Function /LM-UPFJOY *$/ {N; s/ *\n/ / } cannot be parsed.

Kindly help.

---------- Post updated at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous update was at 06:20 PM ----------

In case of Mirni's solution, it gave some weired results as following.

CR LM-UPFJOY en:102 Typ:1 Nro:71818037 Chk:1 Tim:2011-07-16/08:46:03 oiw:3 oTy:145 oAd:50206 diw:0 dTy:145 dAd:919399951328 SMC:919821900040
iTm:2011-07-16/08:46:03 dat:0 tcl:1 mLM-UPFJOY n:95 pid:0 srr:62 def:0 sde:LM-UPFJOY M-UPFJOY 
con:0-0-0 spe:0 dcs:0 ame:1 pri:4 vms:919821000001 ims:N/A                    
CR LM-UPFJOY en:102 Typ:1 Nro:71818038 Chk:1 Tim:2011-07-16/08:46:03 oiw:3 oTy:145 oAd:50206 diw:0 dTy:145 dAd:919848170499 SMC:919821900040
iTm:2011-07-16/08:46:03 dat:0 tcl:1 mLM-UPFJOY n:95 pid:0 srr:62 def:0 sde:LM-UPFJOY M-UPFJOY 
con:0-0-0 spe:0 dcs:0 ame:1 pri:4 vms:919821000001 ims:N/A

Which I guess had replaced the L in Len:102 by LM-UPFJOY.
Kindly Help.

Last edited by Franklin52; 08-01-2011 at 12:07 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags for data and code samples, thank you
# 5  
Old 08-01-2011
You can try:
sed  '/LM-UPFJOY *$/ {
s/ *\n/ / 

There are too many seds in *nixes.

Last edited by Franklin52; 08-01-2011 at 12:07 PM.. Reason: Code tags
# 6  
Old 08-01-2011
This Worked.. Thanks a Lot..
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