Look up file in list and write its path into another file

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# 1  
Old 07-29-2011
Look up file in list and write its path into another file


I have a script that writes the path of files into a text file. I'd like to extend it so that it writes only the paths of certain files, which are given on a list, into this text file.

The initial code is as follows:

for file in `ls /path/*.lab` ; do
    base=`basename $file .lab` ; 
    wavfile=/otherpath/$base.wav ;
    if [ -e $wavfile ] ; then
        echo $wavfile >> train.testvoice_11.wav ;
        echo $file >> train.testvoice_11.lab ;

I wanted to define the list at the top and then write a loop like
for file in `ls /path/*.lab` ; do
     if $file in list ; do
            echo $file >> train.testvoice_11.lab ;
wavfile=/otherpath/$base.wav ;
if [ -e $wavfile ] ; then
    echo $wavfile >> train.testvoice_11.wav ;

Can someone help please?

# 2  
Old 07-29-2011
Just take the comparable parts of each file name and grep for supporting lines in the list file. Make sure your pattern has ^ and $ or -x so you do hot hit on prefix or suffix matches.
# 3  
Old 07-30-2011
Hmm...the filenames look the same except from their numeration:


So if I just want testfile_1 and testfile_3 I don't really know how to grep for these lines

---------- Post updated 07-30-11 at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous update was 07-29-11 at 12:54 PM ----------

Am still not any further. Is there noone who can help?
# 4  
Old 07-30-2011
cat >list.file

touch testfile_1 testfile_3

for f in testfile*; do
  if grep -qx "$f" list.file; then
    echo "$f"


cat >list.file

touch testfile_1 testfile_2 testfile3


The results are the same though.

Last edited by yazu; 07-30-2011 at 12:01 PM..
# 5  
Old 07-31-2011
Hm...that doesn't seem to work for me...

When I do this:

cat >file
touch ./path/dir/*
for f in ./path/dir/* ; do
  if grep -qx "$f" file; then
    echo "$f"

nothing happens at all...
# 6  
Old 07-31-2011
Oh... I wrote not exactly what you should do but just as an example to show that you can use "grep -qx ..." instead of "f in list".
# 7  
Old 07-31-2011
Ah, alright! Will try to relate that to my own code then.
If someone else has a more specific idea how I could change my code so that it works, I would appreciate that. I'm relatively new to shell scripting and still have problems to think around corners ;-)
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