shell prog for double words

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Old 07-20-2011
shell prog for double words

I need a shell programing script for "double words"

Available Data:

This is a shell script that is used to find the ten character words in the machine local
dictionary (/usr/dict/words) that are made up with two valid english words that are
five character long. This means that each of the two five letter words is found in the
dictionary, and when the two are concatenated, the resulting word is a valid English word.
(examples: black board blackboard, grape fruit grapefruit, water melon watermelon). Use
the time command to see how fast (or slow) your script is, and write your finding in the
file doublewords.txt and save it in your text subdirectory. You do not need to include all
the words you found, a short or partial list will be just fine.

Shell: Bourne Shell

Thank you

Last edited by jim mcnamara; 07-20-2011 at 06:43 PM.. Reason: Closed - homework
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canadian-english(5)						   Users' Manual					       canadian-english(5)

canadian-english - a list of English words DESCRIPTION
/usr/share/dict/canadian-english is an ASCII file which contains an alphabetic list of words, one per line. FILES
There may be any number of word lists in /usr/share/dict/. /etc/dictionaries-common/words is a symbolic link to the currently-chosen /usr/share/dict/<language> file. /usr/share/dict/words is a symbolic link to /etc/dictionaries-common/words, and is the name by which other software should refer to the system word list. See select-default-wordlist(8) for more information, and/or to change the currently- chosen word list. The directory /usr/share/dict can contain word lists for many languages, with name of the language in English, e.g., /usr/share/dict/french and /usr/share/dict/danish contain respectively lists of French and Danish words if they exist. Such lists should be coded using the ISO 8859-1 character set encoding. SEE ALSO
ispell(1), select-default-wordlist(8), and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. HISTORY
The words lists are not specific, and may be generated from any number of sources. The system word list used to be /usr/dict/words. For compatibility, software should check that location if /usr/share/dict/words does not exist. AUTHOR
Word lists are collected and maintained by various authors. The Debian English word lists are built from the SCOWL (Spell- Checker Ori- ented Word Lists) package, whose upstream editor is Kevin Atkinson <>. Debian 16 June 2003 canadian-english(5)