Non-interactive FTP within SSH session not working

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# 1  
Old 07-14-2011
Error Non-interactive FTP within SSH session not working

Hello everyone!

I am trying to log-in to a remote server over SSH, transfer file1 there, perform some checks, capture the results in file2 and transfer file2 back to my local server - all of this non-interactively. Initially, I tried to do this within a singe SSH session, using the following code --

#! /usr/bin/ksh

ssh remotehost "
       [[ ! -d /tmp/workDir ]] && mkdir -p /tmp/workDir
       cd /tmp/workDir
       ftp -nv myLocalHost << EOFTP > /dev/null 2>&1
       user myID myPass
       mget file1

       while read row
              if [[ -d $row ]]
                    echo "$row is present!"
                    echo "$row is missing!" >> file2
       done < file1

       if [[ -s file2 ]]
              ftp -nv myLocalHost << EOFTP > /dev/null 2>&1
              user myID myPass
              mput file2

While running this piece, I find that the process is stuck after the "bye" in the first FTP sequence. The script is not executing anything after that. So, to troubleshoot, I tried putting the first FTP in one SSH session, and everything after that in another. This time the FTP prompt is getting terminated properly, and the second SSH connection is also successful, but the error being thrown is -
ksh[2]: syntax error in line 3: ']]' unexpected
I guess putting all the separate sections of my code (i.e., the first FTP, the checking and the 2nd FTP) in separate SSH sessions would resolve this issue, however, it might not be preferable, as this is part of a much-larger program, which I'm trying to keep as light as possible.

I'm doing this on Solaris platform, using KSH. I've also checked and confirmed that my default shell in the remote host is KSH (though, I'm not sure if that would make any difference).

Please advice. Thanks a lot, in advance!

With regards,
# 2  
Old 07-14-2011
First off, realize that whitespace may get flattened by cramming it all into one giant "" like that over ssh. It may be treating newlines just as whitespace and cramming multiple lines together. A here-document wouldn't do that, but then you'd be making here documents inside here documents...!

Might be time to put all that into a script of its own:

ssh username@host exec /bin/sh -s ARG1 ARG2 <

ARG1 will be available as $1, ARG2 as $2, etc if you need to pass values into the remote shell.
This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 07-15-2011
Thanks a lot, Corona688! Smilie

Putting the instructions in a script worked brilliantly!! Thanks, one more time, for the swift reply!
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