Shell performance problem with locating scripts

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# 1  
Old 07-13-2011
Tools Shell performance problem with locating scripts

I am currently trying out MKS Toolkit C Shell, and I've no problems with it until I try add directories to PATH that are located on a network drive.

When I do that, the shell performance slows down significantly and no longer runs fast. In fact, it takes seconds for something that should take no time at all. I am not sure if it is something with my network drive or its some step I missed when setting up the shell.Smilie

Has anyone ever faced this problem or something similar?

# 2  
Old 07-13-2011
Originally Posted by vas28r13
I am currently trying out MKS Toolkit C Shell
See csh programming considered harmful.
...and I've no problems with it until I try add directories to PATH that are located on a network drive.
If this version of csh doesn't cache things it finds in PATH, it could be trawling your network drives every time you run a command. Changing the order of your PATH may help, if it can find it on local disks first it may not need to trawl your network drives for everything.

If there's only a very few things being run from your network drives, consider running them with absolute paths. You may be able to store that path in a variable to keep your code short and snappy.
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