Perl or shell script

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# 1  
Old 07-08-2011
Perl or shell script


Time and again I have to tag my app configs. I want a script which can automate this process.

1)First I do a svn info to get a list of configs which are pointing to BRANCHES/TAGS

svn info * |grep URL



2)Now I basically find out if there are existing TAGS for the these configs with the same TAG as that I am hoping to create .

3) Thirdly I create them -

svn cp


IF TAGS/2011-05-1 exists then I create a TAGS/2011-05-2 tag.

I want to automate this in a way so that the script can check the existence of a tag and if it does not exists then create one or increment to the next number if there is already one created.


# 2  
Old 07-08-2011
Is your sequence a full date (YYYY-MM-DD)?

---------- Post updated at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:55 PM ----------

Assuming that the sequence is not a day, but a regular number:
typeset -i mCnt=1
while [[ -a ${mFName} ]]; do
echo "New File <$mFName>"

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