Perl script for taking inputs from one script and storing them into a document.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Perl script for taking inputs from one script and storing them into a document.
# 8  
Old 06-28-2011
To provide accurate answer we need accurate datas.

So far we still don't know :
  • On which OS you are
  • Which Shell you are using
  • In which PATH you are
  • In which PATH your script is
  • What is the code of the script you are using
If you want that people take the time to provide you accurate informations, you need to take the time to clarify your demande and provide more infos.
# 9  
Old 06-28-2011
Does the Perl script in question exec a shell in a new directory ?

 command > filename

streams the output of command to a new file called filename in the current directory
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