awk to check begining of each row

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# 1  
Old 06-23-2011
awk to check begining of each row


I want to insert columns into a file. Some are standard (e.g. 1) and some are dependent on the contents on other columns. I am using the following code

In the below the first 1 (after $2), can be a 1 or 3 depending on what $1 starts with

e.g. if $1 is 405 then the third field in the output file is a 1
if $1 is anything other than 405 then the third field in the output file is a 3

awk -F'|' '
{if (NF == 11) {
 print $1","$2",""1"",""1"","$3","$4","$5","$6",""20"","$7",""1"","$8","$9","$10; }}' test1.csv > test2.csv

# 2  
Old 06-23-2011
Ok. What the problem is now?
# 3  
Old 06-23-2011
I don't understand the question?

I want to add into the awk statement a check to see what $1 begins with to decide whether to output a 1 or a 3 in column 3.
# 4  
Old 06-23-2011
Something like this: ?

/home/ravi/>cat input_file
/home/ravi/>awk -F"," '$1==450 {$3="1,"$3} $1!=450 {$3="3,"$3} 1' OFS="," input_file

# 5  
Old 06-23-2011
mute@geek:~/test$ cat input

mute@geek:~/test$ awk -v FS='|' 'NF == 11 { printf("%s,%s,%d,1,%s,%s,%s,%s,20,%s,1,%s,%s,%s\n", $1, $2, ($1 == 405) ? 3 : 1, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) }' input

# 6  
Old 06-23-2011
Thanks. that works if the column is 3 digits only. One issue

$1 is 15 digits in lenght and the 15 digit number is generally different in each row.
e.g. 405030001534176

but its only the 405 (or not 405) I need to use for the comparison.

I'm looking to check where the row begins with 405 or not

# 7  
Old 06-23-2011
replace ($1 == 405) with ($1 ~ /^405/)
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