Need to comment some code via script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need to comment some code via script
# 1  
Old 06-17-2011
Need to comment some code via script

I am writing a shell script, which should comment a if-fi loop in a file.
From google i found that, we can use below qualifier to comment a section of code,

But i could not place these keywords before and after if-fi loop.
Any help would be appreciated.
Finally the file should be having like this

if [ "$asdf" = "3" ]; then
# 2  
Old 06-17-2011
bash-3.00$ sed -e 's|^if|:<<COMMENT &|' -e 's|^fi|& COMMENT|' test
:<<COMMENT if [ "$asdf" = "3" ]; then
bash-3.00$ cat test
if [ "$asdf" = "3" ]; then

# 3  
Old 06-17-2011
Originally Posted by itkamaraj
bash-3.00$ sed -e 's|^if|:<<COMMENT &|' -e 's|^fi|& COMMENT|' test
:<<COMMENT if [ "$asdf" = "3" ]; then
bash-3.00$ cat test
if [ "$asdf" = "3" ]; then

This is replacing all if-fi loops, so i changed the command to,
sed -e 's|^if \[ "$asdf"|:<<COMMENT &|' -e 's|^fi|& COMMENT|'

this is modifying all "fi" statements.

How to change only that particular if-fi loop?

Last edited by successlin; 06-17-2011 at 09:42 AM..
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