How to catch date and time from log files?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to catch date and time from log files?
# 1  
Old 06-15-2011
How to catch date and time from log files?


Appli.log files contain the below data which updates continuously

================================================== ===============

Tuple Created OrderEntry|66|39.0|ADML.L|16.89|GBP||GFD|000002889 41ORLO1|GB00B02J6398|80|XLON|UHORIZON|null|2011-05-09 17:14:59.241+0000|UHORIZON||null|LIM|null|1

Tuple Created OrderEntry|83|10.0|ISA.L|6.355|GBP||GFD|0000028894 3ORLO1|GB00B09LSH68|80|XLON|UHORIZON|null|2011-05-09 17:29:53.339+0000|UHORIZON||null|LIM|null|1

Tuple Created OrderEntry|83|100.0|MSFT.O|0.0|USD|RICHU|GFD|00000 288946ORLO1|US5949181045|65|XNAS|DMA_FIXIN|null|20 11-05-09 17:45:14.280+0000|UHORIZON||null|LIM

file update continuously

================================================== =============

from above data ...
i want to catch the date and time differntly means

date contains only the data---->2011-05-09
time .....>17:14:59


please help me to catch this date and time

Thanks in advance....

# 2  
Old 06-15-2011
bash-3.00$ nawk -F"\|" '{date=substr($15,1,10); time=substr($15,12,8);print date,time}' /tmp/myfile
2011-05-09 17:14:59

# 3  
Old 06-15-2011
Assuming you want the last record in the file.

Date=`tail -1 filename|cut -d\| -f15|awk ' { print $1 } '`
Time=`tail -1 filename|cut -d\| -f15|awk ' { print substr($2,1,8) } '`

# 4  
Old 06-15-2011
Given requirement does not look precise. If you just need last updated date then use tail command along with sed command. The below would fetch all the available date and time patterns from your log file assign it to the respective variables..
time=$(sed 's/.*|[^|]* \([0-9:]*\).*/\1/' inputfile)
date=$(sed 's/.*|\([0-9-]*\) .*/\1/' inputfile)

This User Gave Thanks to michaelrozar17 For This Post:
# 5  
Old 06-15-2011
we all missing a point here, if the file is continuously updated then there is no guarantee that the last record will be full (with all fields of our assumption) it may contain just one char or few chars.

So we need make check that the last record is full by checking the number of fields. If it is full then take necessary date and time.
# 6  
Old 06-15-2011

Thanks to all ,

actully my final aim is to display the output like below-


# 7  
Old 06-15-2011
you mean for each date you want to display the times of records ?
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