Script works but doesn't?

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# 1  
Old 06-14-2011
Script works but doesn't?

Hi everyone I'm new here so and I'm just starting to learn a bit of Solaris and I'm working on repairing 10 year old scripts for our system here at work.

When I execute the commands at my prompt everything go's through smooth. I'm using gedit to edit my code because I'm still getting used to the vi editor. I copy the script from my .sh file and paste it into my xterm and it will paste half the script so I go and get the rest of my script then paste it in there was well. Then it gets to my if statements and works great and everything does what its supposed to but if I try to run the entire script by itself without me manually doing it I get a

if: Expression syntax

I'm a little confused wondering why it runs manually but not all in my script? Is there a limit to how big a script can be? This one is has 121 lines.

Any help would be much appreciated.
# 2  
Old 06-14-2011
Is there a limit to how big a script can be?
No, it's not your problem.

It's possible your interactive shell and shell running scripts are different. It could be better if you give an example.
# 3  
Old 06-14-2011
Originally Posted by yazu
No, it's not your problem.

It's possible your interactive shell and shell running scripts are different. It could be better if you give an example.
Heres my script:

#!/bin/csh -f
set ANMDIR="/u01/app/scanner"
set REGION=02
set ADDRESS=014
set COMMAND1="//u01//app//scanner/scan//mancom//constelltxa1powerlevel"
set COMMAND2="//u01//app//scanner//scan//mancom//constelltxa2powerlevel"
set COMMAND3="//u01//app//scanner//scan//mancom//constella1freqlevel"
set COMMAND5=148
set COMMAND6=149
set COMMAND7="//u01//app//scanner//scan//mancom//constellrxa1freqlevel"
set RESOURCE1="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Tx_A1_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE2="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Tx_A2_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE3="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Tx_B1_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE4="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Tx_B2_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE5="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Rx_A1_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE6="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Rx_A2_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE7="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Rx_B1_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE8="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Rx_B2_Pwr_Level"
set RESOURCE9="BALD_MOAB_CONSTELL_02_014:Script_Status"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE1 text "Processing"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE2 text "Processing"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE3 text "Processing"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE4 text "Reserved"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE5 text "Processing"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE6 text "Processing"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE7 text "Processing"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE8 text "Reserved"
$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE9 text "Updating.."
set RESPONSE1=`$ANMDIR/bin/scancont -region_num $REGION -addr $ADDRESS -file $COMMAND1`
set RESPONSE2=`$ANMDIR/bin/scancont -region_num $REGION -addr $ADDRESS -file $COMMAND2`
set RESPONSE3=`$ANMDIR/bin/scancont -region_num $REGION -addr $ADDRESS -file $COMMAND3`
set RESPONSE5=`$ANMDIR/bin/scancont -region_num $REGION -addr $ADDRESS -cmd $COMMAND5`
set RESPONSE6=`$ANMDIR/bin/scancont -region_num $REGION -addr $ADDRESS -cmd $COMMAND6`
set RESPONSE7=`$ANMDIR/bin/scancont -region_num $REGION -addr $ADDRESS -file $COMMAND7`

set KEY1=`echo $RESPONSE1 | /usr/bin/nawk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,"");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{$1=$1;print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, "");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{printf "%s%s",s,$0;s=" "}End{print ""}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{print}' `
set VALUE1=`echo $RESPONSE1 | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $17}' `

set KEY2=`echo $RESPONSE2 | /usr/bin/nawk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,"");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{$1=$1;print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, "");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{printf "%s%s",s,$0;s=" "}End{print ""}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{print}' `
set VALUE2=`echo $RESPONSE2 | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $17}' `

set KEY3=`echo $RESPONSE3 | /usr/bin/nawk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,"");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{$1=$1;print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, "");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{printf "%s%s",s,$0;s=" "}End{print ""}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{print}' `
set VALUE3=`echo $RESPONSE3 | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $16}' `

set KEY5=`echo $RESPONSE5 | /usr/bin/nawk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,"");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{$1=$1;print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, "");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{printf "%s%s",s,$0;s=" "}End{print ""}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{print}' `
set VALUE5=`echo $RESPONSE5 | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $18}' `

set KEY6=`echo $RESPONSE6 | /usr/bin/nawk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,"");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{$1=$1;print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, "");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{printf "%s%s",s,$0;s=" "}End{print ""}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{print}' `
set VALUE6=`echo $RESPONSE6 | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $18}' `

set KEY7=`echo $RESPONSE7 | /usr/bin/nawk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,"");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{$1=$1;print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, "");print}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{printf "%s%s",s,$0;s=" "}End{print ""}' | /usr/bin/nawk '{print}' `
set VALUE7=`echo $RESPONSE7 | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $16}' `

if ( $KEY1 = 'Tx' ) 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE1 text "$VALUE1"
else if ( $KEY1 = 'No' ) then 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE1 text "No Response"
else if ( $KEY1 = 'Not' ) then
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE1 text "Not Equipped"
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE1 text "ERROR"

if ( $KEY2 = 'Tx' )
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE2 text "$VALUE2"
else if ( $KEY2 = 'No' ) then 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE2 text "No Response"
else if ( $KEY2 = 'Not' ) then
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE2 text "Not Equipped"
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE2 text "ERROR"

if ( $KEY3 = 'Frequency' ) 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE3 text "$VALUE3"
else if ( $KEY3 = 'No' ) then 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE3 text "No Response"
else if ( $KEY3 = 'Not' ) then
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE3 text "Not Equipped"
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE3 text "ERROR"

if ( $KEY5 = 'Rx' ) 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE5 text "$VALUE5"
else if ( $KEY5 = 'No' ) then 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE5 text "No Response"
else if ( $KEY5 = 'Not' ) then
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE5 text "Not Equipped"
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE5 text "ERROR"

if ( $KEY6 = 'Rx' ) 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE6 text "$VALUE6"
else if ( $KEY6 = 'No' ) then 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE6 text "No Response"
else if ( $KEY6 = 'Not' ) then
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE6 text "Not Equipped"
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE6 text "ERROR"

if ( $KEY7 = 'Frequency' ) 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE7 text "$VALUE7"
else if ( $KEY7 = 'No' ) then 
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE7 text "No Response"
else if ( $KEY7 = 'Not' ) then
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE7 text "Not Equipped"
  $ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE7 text "ERROR"

$ANMDIR/bin/imsend $RESOURCE9 text "Finished"

Last edited by pludi; 06-15-2011 at 04:23 AM..
# 4  
Old 06-14-2011
Oops. I've never used C shell.

Somebody with C-shell experience can help you. I do not know about debug possibilities in this shell (like set -x in sh).

Just a thought - It seems to me in csh the equality operator is "==", not "=".
if ( $KEY7 == 'Frequency' )

# 5  
Old 06-14-2011
Originally Posted by yazu
Oops. I've never used C shell.

Somebody with C-shell experience can help you. I do not know about debug possibilities in this shell (like set -x in sh).

Just a thought - It seems to me in csh the equality operator is "==", not "=".
if ( $KEY7 == 'Frequency' )

I tried doing the == as well but thank you for trying to help, I've been racking my brain on this for a while.
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