initial setup for iconv

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# 1  
Old 06-09-2011
Java initial setup for iconv


I am trying iconv on my linux machine for conversion of RUSSIAN to ENGLISH, but i am not able to get exact result.

i want to know what initial setting in linux machine we need to do to get desired output

I created sample russian file using google translate in CP866 endcoding
and full command is

iconv -f CP866 -t UTF-8 test.txt

and output is same as input i.e.


please suggest steps to do proper conversion.

# 2  
Old 06-09-2011
you want to 'translate' your text in another language or 'convert' into another encoding?
# 3  
Old 06-09-2011
Originally Posted by sk1418
you want to 'translate' your text in another language or 'convert' into another encoding?
i want to 'translate' text i.e.



---------- Post updated at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:07 PM ----------

can anyone help me on this
# 4  
Old 06-09-2011
kent$  echo "АБВГДЕЖЗИЙДЕЖЗИК"|sed 'y/АБВГДЕЖЗИЙК/abcdefghijk/'

# 5  
Old 06-10-2011
Originally Posted by sk1418
kent$  echo "АБВГДЕЖЗИЙДЕЖЗИК"|sed 'y/АБВГДЕЖЗИЙК/abcdefghijk/'

Hey this can be options but it was just sample.

In real situation i will have 20-23 diffrent source file in diffrent character set encoding and i need to convert all of them to UTF-8.

All i want to know does iconv need some initial setup like language support etc or somthing else.
# 6  
Old 06-10-2011
iconv changes the encoding, but not the content.
in your case, you could apply sed 'y/[allYourRussianLetters]/abcd...z/' command on all your 20-23 source files. to do the "translation"
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