sed with complicated variable pattern

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# 1  
Old 06-09-2011
sed with complicated variable pattern

Below is the content of the file how it looks:
#export BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=true
export BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=false

Here, I want to replace this line
#export BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=true
export BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=true. Removing #. There are several fields in the file which can have #export, so cannot use this
sed -i '' -e's/#export/export/' pravinkumartse.env

I'm trying with this
sed -i '' -e"s/#${svar5}/${svar5}/" pravinkumartse.env

But it removes # all over the file along with substituting.

variable svar5 has the value as 'export BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=true'.

Problem here is the search term i'm using in sed - #${svar5}.
Please help me.

Last edited by fpmurphy; 06-09-2011 at 11:42 AM.. Reason: Removed embedded mailto link
# 2  
Old 06-09-2011
sed -i '' '/BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=/s/=.*/=true/' yourfile

sed -i '' '/BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=fase/s/.*/#&/;/BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=true/s/^#//' yourfile

# 3  
Old 06-10-2011
Forgot to say this

Sorry, Forgot to say that I cannot use environment variable name here. I mean, I cannot use 'BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED'. Because script should be able to use variables like 'AJB_BATCH_ENABLE' also. So in my script I use everything as variables.
Below is my script:
svar9=$(grep "${svar6}.*false" pravinkumartse.env)
svar10=$(grep "${svar7}.*${svar8}" pravinkumartse.env)
export svar4
export svar5
sed -i '' -e"/${svar9}/d" \
-i '' -e"/${svar10}/d" \
-i '' -e"s/#${svar4}/${svar4}/" \
-i '' -e"s/#${svar5}/${svar5}/" pravinkumartse.env
echo "${svar3} is ENABLED"


---------- Post updated at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous update was at 07:29 PM ----------

Sorry, Forgot to say that I cannot use environment variable name here. I mean, I cannot use 'BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED'. Because script should be able to use variables like 'AJB_BATCH_ENABLE' also. So in my script I use everything as variables.
Below is my script:

svar8=$3svar9=$(grep "${svar6}.*false" pravinkumartse.env)
svar10=$(grep "${svar7}.*${svar8}" pravinkumartse.env)
export svar4
export svar5
sed -i '' -e"/${svar9}/d" \
-i '' -e"/${svar10}/d" \
-i '' -e"s/#${svar4}/${svar4}/" \
-i '' -e"s/#${svar5}/${svar5}/" pravinkumartse.env
echo "${svar3} is ENABLED"



---------- Post updated 06-10-11 at 08:23 AM ---------- Previous update was 06-09-11 at 07:31 PM ----------

Sorry for confusing. Let me simplify my question.

I need to use both a word and variable as a pattern in search term of sed command.
Like this
sed -i '' -e"s/#${svar5}/${svar5}/" pravinkumartse.env

#-word/some character
${svar5} -variable

When i tried the above one, it deleted all # in the file along with I intended.

I need to use this #${svar} in search term

Please help me
# 4  
Old 06-10-2011
Can you try as
svar5='export BMS_EMAIL_ENABLED=true'
sed "s/#${svar5}/${svar5}/" pravinkumartse.env

If it does not work pls post the sed version and the OS your running.
This User Gave Thanks to michaelrozar17 For This Post:
# 5  
Old 06-10-2011
Great. yes michael. It worked, my issue was getting value from environments variable svar4.
Thank you very much.
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