sed to replace <cr><cr><cr> in a line with <cr>

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting sed to replace <cr><cr><cr> in a line with <cr>
# 8  
Old 06-09-2011
Hi Michale,

Thanks. You pointed it correctly.

# 9  
Old 06-09-2011
More straight forward:

# echo 'asdasdada<cr>aasdsad<cr><cr>asdasdfsdfs<cr><cr><cr>asdsada<cr>adasd<cr>daasdaasd<cr><cr><cr>'|sed 's/\(<cr>\)\{1,\}/<cr>/g'



# 10  
Old 06-09-2011
Originally Posted by freegnu
More straight forward:

# echo 'asdasdada<cr>aasdsad<cr><cr>asdasdfsdfs<cr><cr><cr>asdsada<cr>adasd<cr>daasdaasd<cr><cr><cr>'|sed 's/\(<cr>\)\{1,\}/<cr>/g'



Works fine with the POSIX /usr/xpg4/bin/sed,

but doesn't work with the standard Sun sed implementation :

# echo 'asdasdada<cr>aasdsad<cr><cr>asdasdfsdfs<cr><cr><cr>asdsada<cr>adasd<cr>daasdaasd<cr><cr><cr>' | sed 's/\(<cr>\)\{1,\}/<cr>/g'
# uname -a
SunOS xxxxxxxx 5.10 Generic_141414-01 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V490

# 11  
Old 06-09-2011

Originally Posted by ctsgnb
Works fine with the POSIX /usr/xpg4/bin/sed,

but doesn't work with the standard Sun sed implementation :

# echo 'asdasdada<cr>aasdsad<cr><cr>asdasdfsdfs<cr><cr><cr>asdsada<cr>adasd<cr>daasdaasd<cr><cr><cr>' | sed 's/\(<cr>\)\{1,\}/<cr>/g'
# uname -a
SunOS xxxxxxxx 5.10 Generic_141414-01 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V490

Can you try it with the -e on SunOS?
# 12  
Old 06-09-2011
Originally Posted by freegnu
Can you try it with the -e on SunOS?
# uname -a | nawk '{sub($2,"xxxxxxxx",$0)}1'
SunOS xxxxxxxx 5.10 Generic_141414-01 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V490
# echo 'asdasdada<cr>aasdsad<cr><cr>asdasdfsdfs<cr><cr><cr>asdsada<cr>adasd<cr>daasdaasd<cr><cr><cr>' | sed -e 's/\(<cr>\)\{1,\}/<cr>/g'

... still fail

... this makes me wonder why Sun (Oracle) doesn't just leave out all those old implementation and go with more recent POSIX binaries
This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 13  
Old 06-09-2011
Modern utilities and a modern shell might break backwards compatibility with someone's 40-year-old pre-POSIX script Smilie So they either won't do it, or would just nail the proper, modern version onto the side in some weird location you'd never guess.
# 14  
Old 06-09-2011

Yup, i understand the compatibility logic but ... how about an 'end of support' logic ?

I wish the modern would be the default, and the old would be in some esoteric elsewhere location ...
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