To convert file with decimal to another file with Hexadecimal

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting To convert file with decimal to another file with Hexadecimal
# 8  
Old 06-07-2011

Thanks, it works for conversion. But this does not seem to print line by line. In my file, the string in each line is 19 characters. Also, if i can get the output in a file, it will be more useful

For file, i tried:
for i in `cat xyz.txt`; do
echo "$i" | perl -F// -lane 'BEGIN{$\=":"} print "", unpack("H*",$_) for @F'

Last edited by Franklin52; 06-07-2011 at 07:19 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags
# 9  
Old 06-07-2011
This should print them line by line.

perl -F// -lane 'BEGIN{$"=":"} push(@arr,unpack("H*",$_)) for @F; print "@arr"; @arr=()' ascii

If you want the o/p in a file, Redirect it using >.
This User Gave Thanks to getmmg For This Post:
# 10  
Old 06-07-2011
Assuming 19 characters to dump per line and that the newline is a delimiter which should be passed through unmodified (tested with OSX's hexdump):

hexdump -ve '18/1 "%x:" /1 "%x" /1 "%c"' infile > outfile

This User Gave Thanks to alister For This Post:
# 11  
Old 06-08-2011

Thanks for the help. It worked.


Thanks for your pointers! They helped me to write my own code in unix shell script.


Thank you!

---------- Post updated at 12:20 PM ---------- Previous update was at 12:15 PM ----------

My query is resolved and this thread can be closed!
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