^M character in the log file

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# 1  
Old 06-06-2011
^M character in the log file

Hi ..

when i am running the following simple script, i am getting the log file as ""test1.log?"", there is a ^M charater. I dont know why it is generating like that.

when i tried to replace the ^M character, it is saying there is no pattern like that.
:%/ctrlV ctrlM//g (pattern not found).

Can anyone suggest me how can i get rid of that charater?

sqlplus apps/sup3rm5n@fmsdev3 << EOF > test1.log
set serveroutput on size 200000
whenever sqlerror continue
set echo on
exec dbms_output.put_line('$TEST_VAR');

Last edited by vgersh99; 06-06-2011 at 03:18 PM..
# 2  
Old 06-06-2011
Apparently sqlplus is giving you DOS style line breaks, and the ^M is a carriage return character, octal 15 or hex 0x0D. If you cannot convince sqlplus to use just linefeed, you can remove it by piping through tr:
sqlplus . . .  <<EOF | tr -d '\15' > test1.log

# 3  
Old 06-06-2011
Hi DGpickett..

Thanks for the reply..
Its not about the content of the file..but the file name isgetting created like ""test1.log?""

# 4  
Old 06-06-2011
Please copy/paste (using code tags) the output of cat -vet yourScriptFile.
Are you by any chance editing the script file under Windows and transferring the file to UNIX with ftp?
# 5  
Old 06-06-2011
Yes, the > shell has no tendency to add ^M to a file name.
# 6  
Old 06-06-2011
output of cat -vet yourScriptFile
echo ' '^M$
echo 'ODS to Stage Synch job started ' ^M$
echo ' '^M$
#| Step 1: Execute the procedure.^M$
sqlplus username/password2dbid << EOF > $LOG_DIR/$PROC.sql.log^M$
set serveroutput on size 200000^M$
whenever sqlerror continue^M$
set echo on^M$
exec dbms_output.put_line('$TEST_VAR');^M$

---------- Post updated at 03:43 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:39 PM ----------

when i try to remove those character with the following command..

:%/ctrlV ctrlM//g (pattern not found).

it is showing pattern not found

---------- Post updated at 03:45 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:43 PM ----------

"""Are you by any chance editing the script file under Windows and transferring the file to UNIX with ftp?"""

Yes.. i am using ""reflection"" for transferring files.. (but the transfer mode is in "ASCII")
# 7  
Old 06-06-2011
The dos2unix (also: dos2ux) command is designed to get rid of the windows carriage returns in a file. ^M is part of windows/dos carriage control.
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