awk columnwise adjacent match checking program

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Old 10-28-2009
awk columnwise adjacent match checking program


For the below problem, awk script is needed..

input file :

i need to check from first line.
reference is jack. jill need to verified with next line jack. if found print
jill & jack combination hill1 
jack & jill & jill & jack combination hill2
jack&jill&jack combination hill3
jack &jill combination hill1

Thanks in advance

Last edited by radoulov; 10-28-2009 at 04:47 PM.. Reason: Use code tags, please!
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JACK_NETSOURCE(1)					      General Commands Manual						 JACK_NETSOURCE(1)

jack_netsource - Netjack Master client for one slave SYNOPSIS
jack_netsource [ -H hostname ] [ options ] DESCRIPTION
jack_netsource The Master side of a netjack connection. Represents the slave jackd -dnet in the master jack graph. Most connection parame- ters are configured via the netsource, and the slave will set itself up according to the commandline option given to jack_netsource. Netjack allows low latency audio connections over general IP networks. When using celt for compression, it is even possible to establish transatlantic links, with latencies not much over the actual ping time. But the main usecase is of course a LAN, where it can achieve one jack period of latency. OPTIONS
-h this help text -H slave host Host name of the slave JACK -o num channels Number of audio playback channels -i num channels Number of audio capture channels -O num channels Number of midi playback channels -I num channels Number of midi capture channels -n periods Network latency in JACK periods -p port UDP port that the slave is listening on -r reply port UDP port that we are listening on -B bind port reply port, for use in NAT environments -b bitdepth Set transport to use 16bit or 8bit -c bytes Use CELT encoding with <bytes> per period and channel -m mtu Assume this mtu for the link -R N Redundancy: send out packets N times. -e skip host-to-network endianness conversion -N jack name Reports a different client name to jack -s, --server servername Connect to the jack server named servername -h, --help Display help/usage message -v, --version Output version information and exit EXAMPLES
run a 4 audio channel bidirectional link with one period of latency and no midi channels. Audio data is flowing uncompressed over the wire: On hostA: jackd -d alsa jack_netsource -H hostB -n1 -i4 -o4 -I0 -O0 On hostB: jackd -d net 0-122-0 September 2012 JACK_NETSOURCE(1)