Problem updated file with new entries

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Problem updated file with new entries
# 15  
Old 10-31-2009
the awk statement only updates the first line for example:

*/------------------John Doe (new name)---------------------*/
Employee name1: Tom Smith (old name)
City State:
Telephone Number:
Cellular Number:
# 16  
Old 10-31-2009
OK then both of your input files are different then originally specified and the names contain spaces. I wonder what you FileA looks like, since you can't use a space as a separator because the number of fields will vary (e.g. my real name is S. C. Rut in Izer, which is a very common name where I live). Instead you could use a colon or some other field separator, like so:

Tom Smith:John Doe

You can then use the separator in the script to read the old and the new name. The following should work:

cp -p FileB
while IFS=: read -r old new; do
  sed -i "s/$old/$new/"
done < FileA

# 17  
Old 10-31-2009
Is this a homework?
Because good programmer will not take this approach.
Usually you come up with an employee ID.
This will be a disaster if there were more than one employee with the same name.

Master file1:
Jack  Jim
Tom   Tim
Red   Rose
Steve Stan
Jack  John

Data file2:

All the Jack's will be replaced with John (being the last entry in file1).
Jim will be nowhere in the picture.
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