how preserve the content of the text box

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how preserve the content of the text box
# 8  
Old 10-25-2009
Originally Posted by therockravi
Yaeee... Its working...
thanx a lot scottn...
It took 3hrs for me but i couldnt figure it out

---------- Post updated at 07:46 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:26 AM ----------

I have now another issue....
when I try therocks"
I get therocks" in my text box..
Still my text box is not totally preserved...

ne help..



So the single quote was confusing value=... and now maybe the double quote is confusing print ".....

So you need to escape that.

There should be a perl function to deal with this (it is the language of choice for this kind of thing).

Perhaps something like
use HTML::Entities;
$value = encode_entities( $value );

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SVN_UPDATE(3)								 1							     SVN_UPDATE(3)

svn_update - Update working copy

int svn_update (string $path, [int $revno = SVN_REVISION_HEAD], [bool $recurse = true]) DESCRIPTION
Update working copy at $path to revision $revno. If $recurse is true, directories will be recursively updated. PARAMETERS
o $path - Path to local working copy. Note Relative paths will be resolved as if the current working directory was the one that contains the PHP binary. To use the calling script's working directory, use realpath(3) or dirname(__FILE__). o $revno - Revision number to update to, default is SVN_REVISION_HEAD. o $recurse - Whether or not to recursively update directories. RETURN VALUES
Returns new revision number on success, returns FALSE on failure. NOTES
Warning This function is EXPERIMENTAL. The behaviour of this function, its name, and surrounding documentation may change without notice in a future release of PHP. This function should be used at your own risk. EXAMPLES
Example #1 Basic example This example demonstrates basic usage of this function: <?php echo svn_update(realpath('working-copy')); ?> The above example will output something similar to: 234 SEE ALSO
svn_checkout(3), svn_commit(3), SVN documentation for svn update. PHP Documentation Group SVN_UPDATE(3)