filter grep command

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# 1  
Old 10-23-2009
filter grep command

I have ran into a small issue and I am not sure how to fix it.
In one of our current scripts we have this line which does a grep to get the pid of the process.

ps -ef | grep nco_p_syslog | grep $x | awk '{print $2}'

However this is not returning anything due to the how long the value of $x is. Which a sample value is...


However as you can see a simple grep cuts this off...
tivoli 20343     1   0 10:16:09 pts/1       0:00 /lcl/apps/Tivoli/netcool/omnibus/probes/solaris2/nco_p_syslog -manager ot1p_std

I need to find a way to do a grep command like below only have it know off the _stdby contained within $x.
So that even though $x contains the value ot1p_stdby it should cutt off the _stdby and only by ot1p when it does the following command.,,,

ps -ef | grep nco_p_syslog | grep $x | awk '{print $2}'

I was not sure if there is a way to do this right in the command above.

# 2  
Old 10-23-2009
Originally Posted by LRoberts
ps -ef | grep nco_p_syslog | grep $x | awk '{print $2}'

Ad hoc (untested):

ps -ef | grep nco_p_syslog | grep "${x:0:8}" | awk '{print $2}'

# 3  
Old 10-23-2009
Gave it a try but got this...
./[3]: "${x:0:8}": bad substitution

Here is how I am testing...

ps -ef | grep nco_p_syslog | grep "${x:0:8}" | awk '{print $2}'

Changed the " to ' and that fixed the error...
./[3]: '${x:0:8}': bad substitution

But still no results. Seems like that would have worked. I see where you was going with it. It should have take the $x which has a value of entp_stdby and only did a grep for entp_std but it returned no results.

As you can see it should have returned results as this is running out there.
leviathan:/lcl/apps/Tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin>ps -ef | grep syslog | grep  entp_std
  tivoli 20337     1   0 10:16:09 pts/1       0:01 /lcl/apps/Tivoli/netcool/omnibus/probes/solaris2/nco_p_syslog -manager entp_std

# 4  
Old 10-23-2009
it's likely not the grep; it's probably the initial ps.

Assuming you're on solaris:
  /usr/ucb/ps -wwaxu | grep "nco_p_syslog .*$x" | awk '{print $2}'

should work...

Last edited by Tytalus; 10-23-2009 at 12:27 PM.. Reason: was not intending to be so blunt :-)
# 5  
Old 10-23-2009
Yep now that works. It also shows the pid for the grep itself though as well. I am trying to figure out how this is working, lol. Lost me on this one.

How can I make it so it does not return 2 pids and only the one I am looking for.
Right now its returning the pid for this grep as well.

Originally Posted by Tytalus
it's likely not the grep; it's probably the initial ps.

Assuming you're on solaris:
  /usr/ucb/ps -wwaxu | grep "nco_p_syslog .*$x" | awk '{print $2}'

should work...
# 6  
Old 10-23-2009
try this:
/usr/ucb/ps -wwaxu | grep "[n]co_p_syslog .*$x" | awk '{print $2}'

# 7  
Old 10-23-2009
bash and i beilve ksh (the later one) support this type of substitution:

~> var1=nco_p_syslog
~> echo $var1
~> echo ${var1/_syslog/}
~> echo ${var1/_syslog/_newword}

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