Using AWK to separate data from a large XML file into multiple files

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# 1  
Old 10-17-2009
Using AWK to separate data from a large XML file into multiple files

I have a 500 MB XML file from a FileMaker database export, it's formatted horribly (no line breaks at all). The node structure is basically

   <FIELD att="............." id="..."/>
  <RESULTSET FOUND="1763457">
   <ROW att="....." etc="....">
   <ROW att="....." etc="....">
   <ROW att="....." etc="....">

There are two things I need to get out of that file:

1. I'd like to generate an XML file that just contains everything within the < METADATA > nodes (the < FIELD > nodes) and I'll name it fields.xml

2.Then I'd like to generate an XML for each individual < ROW > node, and incrementally name each row1.xml, row2.xml, etc...

I'm using AWK via Terminal in OS X Leopard, I'm not sure how to go about item #1, but for #2 I tried the following:
awk '/<ROW/{close("row"c".xml");c++}{print $0 > "row"c".xml"}' db.xml

Which produces a syntax error at line 1 when executed.

Can anyone help me out with these issues? What am I doing wrong?

Your help is very much appreciated.
# 2  
Old 10-17-2009
Try this awk code.

        while ( $0 !~ /<\/METADATA>/ ) {
                print > "fields.xml"

/<ROW/ {
        rfile="row" count ".xml"
        while ($0 !~ "<\/ROW" ) {
                print > rfile

# 3  
Old 10-17-2009
Thanks for the quick reply, when I try those:

awk '/<METADATA>/ {
        while ( $0 !~ /<\/METADATA>/ ) {
                print > "fields.xml"
}' db.xml


awk '/<ROW/ {
        rfile="row" count ".xml"
        while ($0 !~ "<\/ROW" ) {
                print > rfile
}' db.xml

I get an illegal statement error, am I doing something wrong? Thank you so much for the help so far!
# 4  
Old 10-17-2009
It wasn't designed to be used as separate clauses.. put the whole thing in a file and use the -f switch.
# 5  
Old 10-17-2009
Sorry I'm a complete AWK beginner, I've been programming for about 8 years, but only learned of AWK about an hour before I posted.

Let me make sure I understand everything completely, this is what I'm trying step by step, please correct me where I'm wrong:

1. I have my working directory, in it I have db.xml file
2. I create a file called split.awk inside my working directory, in it I put the file contents:
        while ( $0 !~ /<\/METADATA>/ ) {
                print > "fields.xml"

/<ROW/ {
        rfile="row" count ".xml"
        while ($0 !~ "<\/ROW" ) {
                print > rfile

3. I open up terminal, cd to my working directory and then execute:
awk -f split.awk db.xml

When I execute that, I just get an error saying awk can't find the file.

Again, sorry for being such a beginner -- now that I know AWK exists, I plan to purchase a few books on and dive into how I can apply in my day-to-day programming.

Thank you!
# 6  
Old 10-17-2009
what is the exact output of awk? This seems to happen mostly when there are invisible characters introduced to the awk file during the copy of the text to the .awk file. And make sure all the files are readable and the directory is writable by the account you use to open the terminal window...
# 7  
Old 10-17-2009
Originally Posted by JRy
I'm using AWK via Terminal in OS X Leopard, I'm not sure how to go about item #1, but for #2 I tried the following:
awk '/<ROW/{close("row"c".xml");c++}{print $0 > "row"c".xml"}' db.xml

Which produces a syntax error at line 1 when executed
awk '/<ROW/{close("row"c".xml");c++}c{f="row"c".xml";print $0 > f}' file

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