Multiple if statements in script and unexpected end of file

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# 1  
Old 10-14-2009
Multiple if statements in script and unexpected end of file

Two things...

1) If I have an if statement that is true I want it to exit without running the rest of the file, but if it is false I want it to continue.. I just did
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
echo ""

Can that work? I want it to exit if $1 is 0, and if not to continue running the rest of the script. Is it ok to have an exit command conditionally earlier on in the script?

2) If i want to have multiple if then fi statements in a shell script, can I just have several in the same script or is there something else that needs to be done? I have a few like the one above in the same script and seem to get unexpected end of file when I do that, why is this?

Thanks for your help!
# 2  
Old 10-14-2009
1. you can exit early

2. you can nest if-then blocks
if  xxxxxxx
     if   yyyyyyyy

You can have a series of if then blocks:
if xxxxx
if ddddddd

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