Execution problem with repeat the same program with two set of same data

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Execution problem with repeat the same program with two set of same data
# 8  
Old 10-11-2009
Hi, Franklin52.
The code that you suggestion:
awk -F_ 'a[$1]{print "fastq_to_fasta "a[$1]" "$0; next} {a[$1]=$0}' file

It facing a problem if my input is look the following:

The code can't give the desired output like:
fastq_to_fasta 01234_ABC_L1_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L1_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 01234_ABC_L2_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L2_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 01234_ABC_L3_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L3_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 05512_ABC_L1_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L1_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 05512_ABC_L2_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L2_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 05512_ABC_L3_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L3_CDE_PE2.fq

Unfortunately, the code give me another result Smilie
Franklin52, do you have any better idea to get my desired output result?
Actually I got try a way like this:
awk '/PE1/{print $_}' file_name > file_name.txt
awk '/PE2/{print $_}' file_name > file_name2.txt
paste -d ' ' file_name.txt file_name2.txt > file_name.output.txt

At last, I vi and add the "fastq_to_fasta" inside file_name.output.txt one line by one lineSmilie
It seem like quite troublesome and wasting time Smilie
I think it should got faster way. Just I still can't get itSmilie
Franklin52, thanks again for your help and sorry if bring you any inconvenience.
# 9  
Old 10-11-2009
awk '{a = $0; getline; print "fastq_to_fasta " a " " $0}' file

# 10  
Old 10-11-2009
That's what you want ?
# cat file
# awk 'NR%2{printf "fastq_to_fasta" FS $0 FS;next}1' file
fastq_to_fasta 01234_ABC_L1_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L1_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 01234_ABC_L2_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L2_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 01234_ABC_L3_CDE_PE1.fq 01234_ABC_L3_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 05512_ABC_L1_CDE_PE1.fq 05512_ABC_L1_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 05512_ABC_L2_CDE_PE1.fq 05512_ABC_L2_CDE_PE2.fq
fastq_to_fasta 05512_ABC_L3_CDE_PE1.fq 05512_ABC_L3_CDE_PE2.fq

# 11  
Old 10-11-2009
thanks a lot, danmeroSmilie
Your code work excellent and solve my trouble nice.
Can you roughly explain the reason of your code?
Thanks again.
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