Help! Paste Multiple SQL output result to exec command

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Old 10-09-2009
Help! Paste Multiple SQL output result to exec command


I want to write the shell script to change multple file name (the file name is get from DB)

 cp db1.txt file1_new.txt
       cp db2.txt file2_new.txt
       cp db3.txt file3_new.txt

I have write the script like this:
VAR=`sqlplus -s $LOGON @<<ENDOFTEXT
  set termout off
  set feedback off
  set pagesize 0
select 'cp '||file_name||' new'||file_name from table;
echo $VAR
for p in $VAR
  echo "  command=[$p]"

the result is

How can I get the expected result and run it, like this
command=cp db1.txt file1_new.txt
command=cp db2.txt file2_new.txt

Thank you very much!!!

Last edited by pludi; 10-09-2009 at 03:13 AM.. Reason: code tags please...
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