Match a pattern between delimiters!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Match a pattern between delimiters!
# 1  
Old 10-08-2009
Match a pattern between delimiters!

Hello Friends,

I am unable to retrieve a pattern.Any one could give me an idea.

For example i have the following pattern: J:\nmattam_dcm_int\java\modules\gcm\actions\installfirmware\\main\galileo_integ_blr\0

I will always need to grep the text nmattam_dcm_int and galileo_integ_blr i.e the first word occurance and last word occurance. The trick here is the word occurances nmattam_dcm_int and galileo_integ_blr are not always the same. The format of the pattern is always same beginning with J:\and\ends\with\0. The next line shows the different set of patterns.


The text patterns vary but i need to grep them. Please help me resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 10-08-2009

Try this


echo $pat | awk -F'\' '{print($2,$(NF-1))}'

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