Simple CSH script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Simple CSH script
# 1  
Old 09-25-2009
Simple CSH script

Hi everyone,
I have never wrote script in csh before, but I need to add only few lines to an existing one. I tried to use the bash standard syntax, and it did not work. So, I attempted to use csh syntax, and it is not working. Can someone help please:

switch ( $Return_Code )
case 0: echo "SUCCSS"
cae -1: echo "FAIL"

I also tried:

if ( $Return_Code == 0 )
then echo "SUCCESS"
else echo "FAIL"
# 2  
Old 09-25-2009
Originally Posted by nimo
Hi everyone,
I have never wrote script in csh before,

Good. Keep it that way!

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but I need to add only few lines to an existing one. I tried to use the bash standard syntax, and it did not work. So, I attempted to use csh syntax, and it is not working.

Bash and csh syntax are very different.

You will probably be better off translating the entire script to a Bourne-type syntax, POSIX or bash.
# 3  
Old 09-25-2009
What I meant is that the script is csh and already exists. I need to corrct the few lines shown in my message. Thanks.
# 4  
Old 09-25-2009

Follow the advice from cfajohnson whenever you can.

If I had to modify the csh script, I would use:
#!/usr/bin/env tcsh

# @(#) s1	Demonstrate csh case statement on separate line.

setenv LC_ALL C ; setenv LANG C
echo "Environment: LC_ALL = $LC_ALL, LANG = $LANG"
echo "(Versions displayed with local utility version)"
sh -c "version >/dev/null 2>&1" && version "=o" tcsh

set Return_Code=0

switch ( $Return_Code )
case 0:
	echo "SUCCSS"
# cae -1: echo "FAIL"
case -1:
	echo "FAIL"
	echo " Error in settings."

exit 0

% ./s1

Environment: LC_ALL = C, LANG = C
(Versions displayed with local utility version)
OS, ker|rel, machine: Linux, 2.6.26-2-amd64, x86_64
Distribution        : Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 
tcsh 6.14.00


Each case selector must be alone on the line. Remember the importance of experimentation -- best wishes ... cheers, drl
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