How to select only the most frequent instances of a variable string in a file?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to select only the most frequent instances of a variable string in a file?
# 8  
Old 09-28-2009
Originally Posted by kevinmccallum
But instead of just the IP and it's number of instances in the log file.........I need to return/save the entire log file entry line for each and every hit. So if has 10 entries in the file, and has 8 entries, instead of output that looks like this: 10 8

I instead need output that looks like this: - [23/Sep/2009:14:18:41 -0700] "GET /" - [23/Sep/2009:14:18:51 -0700] "GET /"
Your requirement change over time, you should reformulate your request .. post a new sample data and new required output.

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asadmin-list-instances(1AS)					   User Commands				       asadmin-list-instances(1AS)

asadmin-list-instances, list-instances - lists all the instances in the server SYNOPSIS
list-instances [--user admin_user] [--password admin_password] [--host localhost] [--port 4848] [--domain domain_name] [--local=false] [--passwordfile filename] [--secure|-s] Use the list-instances to list all the instance in the server. The list-instances command can be run both locally and remotely. To list remote instances, the named administration server must be running on the hostname and port number specified. The user authenticates using the password identified for the administration server. OPTIONS
--user administrative user associated for the instanace. --password administrative password corresponding to the administrative user. --host host name of the machine hosting the administrative instance. --port port number associated with the administrative host. --domain name of the domain. --local determines if the command should delegate the request to administrative instance or run locally. --passwordfile file containing passwords appropriate for the command (e.g., administrative instance). --secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the administrative instance. Example 1: Using list-instances in local mode asadmin> list-instances --domain1 --local admin-server running server1 running Where: the server1 and admin-server instances for the domain1 domain is listed. Example 2: Using list-instances in remote mode asadmin> list-instances --user admin --passwordfile passwords.txt --host localhost --port 4848 server1 [mayank:80] running Where: the server1 instance associated with the specified user, passwords, host, and port number specified is listed for the remote machine. EXIT STATUS
0 command executed successfully 1 error in executing the command INTERFACE EQUIVALENT
Server Instance page asadmin-show-instance-status(1AS) J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-list-instances(1AS)