">" used in system() is not printing into file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting ">" used in system() is not printing into file
# 8  
Old 09-21-2009
thanks a lot for your answer again Franklin52.

I think it is not possible what I want to do because of responding to a variable in system(). Do you know wether there are other possibilities responding a variable ($7) or connecting the strings between $7. Because this one worked already with printing the whole true command into the files:

befehl1="gensurf seitenwand rollerblind1 '-0.95*s' '0.046' '2.85-'" $7 "'*t' 1 1 >" dataname_v

Or do you think it is possible to pipe the result of this into another variable and then using it in a second system()-command?

Thanks a lot. Regards, Sandra
# 9  
Old 09-21-2009
Is $7 a shell or an awk variable?

# 10  
Old 09-21-2009
it is an awk variable, I think. Actually a good question.

I am piping every number in column 7 of runde.txt to awk to use it for befehl1.
(So because gensurf is supposed to create a surface I'll get in the end for example ten different surfaces created and saved into ten different files if I have ten different numbers a line in column 7 - thats my goal)



Last edited by ergy1983; 09-21-2009 at 02:28 PM..
# 11  
Old 09-21-2009
Originally Posted by ergy1983
it is an awk variable, I think. Actually a good question. I am piping every number in column 7 of runde.txt to awk to use it for befehl1.


Don't escape $7 in that case:

befehl="gensurf seitenwand rollerblind1 '\''-0.95\\*s'\'' '\''0.046'\'' '\''2.85-" $7 "\\*t'\'' 1 1 \\> "dataname_v

# 12  
Old 09-21-2009
thanks. Exactly, I don't want to escape $7.

But dealing with the command like this system() is not able to perform the command. Because it is not able to connect the first part before $7 ("gensurf...") with the second one ("\\*t'\'' 1 1 \\> ").Thats the problem.

And if I dont' just put " before and behind $7 it is telling me that there is an unexpected character (the $-sign). and i even don't think that system would interpretate it anymore as a variable.

That is actually the reason I was asking you for connecting the both strings (before and behind $7)? Or piping it somewhere else and then using it...

Last edited by ergy1983; 09-21-2009 at 02:55 PM..
# 13  
Old 09-21-2009
Do you get the right shell command with this command?

awk '{
  if ($5==2) {
    befehl="gensurf seitenwand rollerblind1 '\''-0.95\\*s'\'' '\''0.046'\'' '\''2.85-" $7 "\\*t'\'' 1 1 \\> " $1 "_" $4 "_adjust.rad"
    print befehl
}' runde .txt

# 14  
Old 09-21-2009
no just empty space...

Last edited by ergy1983; 09-22-2009 at 05:32 AM..
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