Formatting the output of a script

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# 8  
Old 09-15-2009
Originally Posted by vidyadhar85
then as Franklin suggested pass the o/p of your script to
script_name|awk '{printf("%-25s%s\n",$1,$2)}'

awsome !!!! its working Smilie..

thanks a lot to you and Franklin Smilie
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INSTALLSIEVE(1) 					      General Commands Manual						   INSTALLSIEVE(1)


installsieve - user utility for managing sieve scripts SYNOPSIS
installsieve DESCRIPTION
installsieve is a utility that allows users to manage their sieve scripts kept on the server. OPTIONS
-v <name> View script with the given name. The script if retrieved sucessfully is output to standard output. -l List all of the scripts currently on the server. If one of the scripts is active a arrow is printed indicating that it is the active script. -p <port> Port to connect to. If left off this defaults to "sieve" as defined in /etc/services. -i <file> Install a file onto the server. If a script with the same name already exists on the server it is overwritten. Upon sucessfully putting the script on the server the script is set active. If <file> has the extension .script it is chopped when put on the server since sieve names may not contain a '.'. -a <name> Set <name> as the active script. The list of available names can be obtained from the '-l' option.. -d <name> Delete the sieve script on the server with <name>. -m <mechanism> Force installsieve to use <mechanism> for authentication. If not specified the strongest authentication mechanism is chosen. -g <name> Get the sieve script with <name> and save it to disk with a ".script" extension. If a file with that name already exists it is overwritten. -u <user> Userid/Authname to use for authentication; by default, the current user. CMU
Project Cyrus INSTALLSIEVE(1)